Hurricane Ivan is next...

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No power problems here at the hospital yet. Just wind and rain so far. Surf was up at the beach at noon when I came to work. I'll keep in touch as I can.
Good luck you guys who are going thro the storm right now. Wish I had some great advice for ya, but, instead am sending well wishes.
Just looked outside - rain is coming down sideways and swirling mostly from the east. Just had our first power blink. I'm going to head off to bed, may be the worst will be over in the morning.
You Floridians must have really pissed off Mother Nature.

Obviously you haven't seen that storm track that shows the next storm giving the Florida coast the "finger" before it makes landfall.

Right now I'm watching and waiting for that eye to keep on heading North, it sitting just ESE of me and it's making me nervous. Already had to deal with a Tornado Warning about 6 hours ago.
I had just heard about that Andy... one was a child when a tree fell through a house. :frown:

Patiently awaiting reports of those who are Ivans path to check in.....
Hiya :)

We took a direct hit and things got REAL hairy for a while there thursday morning. My parents house stood firm and took absolutely no damage and didn't creak/pop in the slightest. The eye came in around 3am and we caught the rear of the eyewall around 3:45am. Like I said before, we were on highground, so we were only really worried about wind and debri falling. We ended up losing 5 large trees, a few smaller ones, and lots of bushes. We lost power around 10:30pm Wed night(lasted longer than most of my friends) and we got it back tonight around 9:15pm(only 2 days!). We consider ourselves incredibly luck, some of AL is not expected to have power for weeks(as I'm sure some of you FL-ians know first hand). Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, Ft Morgan, Daphin Island, Pensacola Beach, Perdido Key, ect took major hits and will take months before recovering. Pensacola proper, and the rest of the panhandle just north of the coast suffered alot as well as Baldwin County(myself). Mobile got off easy, but still lost power, some people are out of water and some people have minor damage to their belongings. All my buddies made it through the storm unscaved, thier homes undamaged or slightly damaged for the most part. I did have one friend who took an oak through his trailer cutting it in two(he was evacuated and is fine). My house has water damage from the roof leaking :/ but my parents(where I'm at now) house pulled out like a champ.

Power back up, clean/running water, AC, safe and unhurt, I couldn't be happier under the circumstances... well, maybe if I didn't have to deal with dial-up internet :wink: Thanks for everyones thoughts and prayers, they helped!
Glad to hear you are fine.

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