Hurricane? Are You Doing Anything?

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lol...lets hope they don't send us to Aloha stadium.
the buses are ready and waiting :D
No way, Jose

me an my Glock

stayin here on the hill

guarding my pool water and sack o rice, lol
me an my Glock

That's one thing that I've been thinking I need to add to the Hurricane kit! If there ever really was a disaster here, I think you might have to fend of the unprepared.

When the power went out on the Earthquake day, I couldn't believe how many were whining about not having anything to eat!

I really didn't have as much as usual that day 'cause we just finished having our place tented for termites and it was my plan to grocery shop that day. I still had enough to feed us for a week though! :D
That's one thing that I've been thinking I need to add to the Hurricane kit! If there ever really was a disaster here, I think you might have to fend of the unprepared.

When the power went out on the Earthquake day, I couldn't believe how many were whining about not having anything to eat!

I really didn't have as much as usual that day 'cause we just finished having our place tented for termites and it was my plan to grocery shop that day. I still had enough to feed us for a week though! :D

I was on Kauai in 1982 and Hurricane Iwa's eye passed over our house in Kilauea. Trees were down everywhere and power was off for a month. But that was when the Aloha spirit shined through. People there came together and helped each other out.
I was on Kauai in 1982 and Hurricane Iwa's eye passed over our house in Kilauea. Trees were down everywhere and power was off for a month. But that was when the Aloha spirit shined through. People there came together and helped each other out.
Kauai has about a fourteenth of the population of Oahu. It is also way more countrified. Folks there are used to fending for themselves and helping out their neighbors. Here, with so many folks not smart enough to keep enough to tide them over during a during an itty bitty blackout, I don't know!

Also, there's a lot less of the Aloha spirit these days. I see too many folks who don't even have the common courtesy to let you out of the elevator, before they push their way inside, to not park in the aisles of the parking lot at Costco, or to not park in your driveway while at the neighbor's house; to have any faith that a disaster would make them think about anyone but themselves!

Also, a big disaster that hit Honolulu, would heavily disrupt the distribution system for the entire state.
No way, Jose

me an my Glock

stayin here on the hill

guarding my pool water and sack o rice, lol
That sack of rice isn't much good without a cooking facility. Make sure your gas BBQ is secure too. A side burner on a BBQ comes in really useful during prolonged power outages.
That's one thing that I've been thinking I need to add to the Hurricane kit! If there ever really was a disaster here, I think you might have to fend of the unprepared.

well, I won't be whipping it out, truthfully. It's a FELONY I think to have an unregistered gun in Hawaii. In California, if a gun is gifted, say from out of state (as opposed to purchased) it does not have to be registered. The way I understand it anyway.....

I was told that to register a gun invites theft of said gun, I have no idea if thats true, but when I first moved here I thought I'd wait and see what the lay of the land was. (I still don't know) I would guess the punishment in a pedominately Asian culture would be harsh if I had to guess. This ain't Texas, baby.

yes, I am one of the rare gas kitchens...I put in a tank because cooking on electric stoves is really tough if you are not used to it. (how do they do that with woks?!)

Make sure your gas BBQ is secure too.

Stuff blowing around and into glass doors could get me. I thought about bringing it in, but its too heavy. I took the flag down! I started to take the pole down but think it might be better where it is as opposed to flying through the air.

Anybody know what channel is best?

I hear 8 PM Flossie hits Hilo.....
I work up on Wheeler and the wildfires are now into the back of Schofield (about 2 hours ago) and still moving South. Guess those high winds will come just in time tonight to push them further down the hill towards the South shore. Not a pretty picture with two bases and a huge housing area in its way.
you guys getting wet yet?

looks like its missing you to the south as predicted, unless it has some kinda viscous curveball spin on it..

meanwhile, taiwan is going to get smacked by a category 4 supertyphoon sepat on friday night and by sunday TS dean should have spun up into a category 3 in the carribean...
you were correct once again, Lamont.

big surprise there, you and those math models

the thing I am wondering, is that the wind shear is slicing it up in a way that might keep the path from being so clean...could be felt more, although weaker.

Gusty outside but nothing too unusual...sun was out most of the day..looks black to the southeast out at sea though...

The surfers are getting all frenzied, 25 ft called for beaches off Big Island

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