Hunting today off of Pinellas

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SM Diver

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Tampa Bay
Just when I thought I wouldn't do another vis/hunting report on scubaboard (due to the fact that no one replies, or seems interested), low and behold, two things happen:

1. I learn that King_Neptune likes spearfishing, and
2. A bunch of steel slingers from my stomping grounds register on this board.

So, far be it from me to disappoint:

Quick recap. Went out today on JohnHermes 27" Blackfin with twin outboards, and it's a good thing that Blackfin makes such a quality boat because we needed it for the conditions.

Onboard, apart from John and me, were Financial Advis and Deepfish (from FS). One thing you learn about hunting with these guys is to kick your ass off to get to the bottom first, or they will already be stringing up their second gag, while you're still clearing your ears. :D

Conditions were rough, with "sloppy 3s" and some 4's for good measure. It was one of those days that you couldn't wait to get in the water, because it was calmer AND warmer down under.

We were kept within about 23 miles from land due to weather, hunting mainly in about 50ft of water. The boat limited on hogs, and had a nice compliment of mangos and gags.

Visability was excellent, at around 40ft.

Had a great time, as always.
I would like to get down that way to sling some steel with you guys some day. Sounds like the Gulf down there is the same as the northern Gulf, you never know what you will get.
Maby we need to use this thred for spearfishing post.:mean:
Hey, Gulfdiver. Cool web site you have there. Maybe next year I'll do that Alabama Rodeo event. I wonder how much a weekend license would cost me as an out-of-stater.

Since starting spearboard, I've had a lot of people contact me from either out-of-state or Florida's East Coast about hooking-up for trips over here in the Tampa Bay area. As you can hopefully tell from my reports we have a lot of fun doing what we love. I'd like to start doing some stuff with people from other areas, and I'll probably target something like that for Spring.

The funniest comment from yesterday: "I think next time I'll save myself the gas money and just stay at home, beat myself silly with a pool cue, drink half a hottle of syrup of epicac, and stand in front of a fan with ice dumped down my shirt." When you're still having a good time under those conditions, you know you enjoy what you're doing. :D
I forgot to mention in my report that I saw two sharks on my last dive. I mention this because we've seen a lot of sharks lately, so just be prepared when your swimming around the ledge or wreck with a stringer of fish. In fact, I have changed my habit of clipping off my stringer to the BC, to now carrying it in my hands AT ALL TIMES. I don't even clip it during the ascent, just so that I form the habit of always having it in my hand. You want to be able to drop it. I don't subscribe to the theory of "No Shark is taking away my fish." I will drop it if it gets a little hairy.

Yesterday, I saw a nurse shark first, which is I always enjoy seeing. Most of the time, they look pretty dormant under the ledge, sitting there just looking at you, not at all aggressive. They'll swim away if you come towards them.

Within 5 minutes I had just strung a nice hog, when here come a Bull Shark, not looking dormant, and coming towards me. I stayed still and let out a long exhalation of bubbles. I thought about dropping the stringer as a peace offering, but decided to hold onto it. He got to within 25 feet and clearly veered away, not wanting anything to do with this funny looking thing blowing bubbles. So I continued to hunt and finished my dive. I didn't see him again.
tampascott :
We are doing a Spearfishing trip on the 17 of Nov. full day trip on a 6 pac. $ 100. P.P. This includes tanks up to 4 dives.

We also have been seeing a lot of sharks, my buddy had one take a nice red grouper from his shaft , then it came back for the head he cut his line and lost his shaft. I had 2 red snapper about 17-20lb. I hooked my stringer on the anchor line and pulled it up with the anchor, the sharks followed it to the surface.
This was the second dive of the day and we had already seen 2 sharks on the first dive. This was about 2 weeks ago.

Come on up to L.A. ( lower Alabama ) for some steel slinging in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.

Man, that would be really cool, but it would also likely result in my wife filing divorce! I've got a spearfishing tournament next weekend, and several trips planned before leaving town November 29 to do an out of town spear trip in Steinahatchee, Florida. Thanks anyway.

I'm off now to get wet. The weatherman screwed up again, but it's a go. I'll hopefully have another report tonight.
involved a bull grabbing his grouper for lunch. I was appalled to see him fight for the fish! It's good to hear that not all hunters are so arogant! Would love to watch and maybe learn the trade sometime.
The fishing license for a week are $11 you can get a year ( out of State ) for $31. Spearfishing license for a year ( out of state ) about 8 bucks.:mean:
Thanks for that info, Gulfdiver. Florida is very tough on out-of-staters when it comes to liceneses. That's not bad at all.

Got in three dives today. Only saw one shark today, and it was just a nurse, but those damn cudas were all over me. I pretty much just block them out of my mind, but these bad boys were hanging within four feet of me getting close to my grouper and hogsters. Came up with me the whole ascent. By the end of the dive I was tempted to plug one just for the satisfaction. :D

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