How to trim weight with DDs

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Hey ladies

I bobble around in the water a bit too much for my liking.
I wonder if this is because I don't have my weight trimmed appropriately for my extra up front buoyancy.
I'm sure that women's BCDs are designed to help deal with this, but I dive with a man's.

Can someone give me some tips on correcting the matter? I've never tried putting weight in my shoulders. Would that help?

I'm seriously thinking about a reduction since the dang things are just a nuisance in general!

Thanks, in advance, for any advice.

I'm 32E, and BP/W all the way for comfort though I don't think they are hugely problematic for trim other than making me very floaty. Given you are short you can get one with a smaller plate and make your own harness. I'd just try weight in all sorts of spots and see what works out for your trim. But a lot of the bobbing about could be because your BCD is not holding your tanks stable. I always had floaty feet so have to wear my weight as low as possible but since losing a bunch of weight I am now very feet heavy and had to move it all back up again. The weight loss has caused only a one cup size difference so I think your overall fat distribution would seem more important for trim than just bra size if that makes sense.
If your intrested, I have a bunch of single weight pockets that you can attach to webbing for trim pockets in different areas on your BC/Tank/Ect. They are just sitting in my garrage in a box. They are yours if you want them, all I ask is you pay shipping. PM me if intrested.
Although everyone talks about the various metal backplates, don't forget that a great bp/w setup for traveling light is the oxycheq ultralight combined with their mach V wing.

Can fit on any frame from short to big and you can either use a simple hog type harness or go as "fancy" as a transnplate.

I used that setup for a while, sold the plate, got a transpac and am now thinking about selling the transpace going back to the oxycheq plate setup again.

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