How to trim weight with DDs

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I never noticed a difference. I was a 32G when I started diving again after my second baby. (I was nursing), and when I stopped I went back to a 32D. G's are huge:wink:. I wear a 10 pound weight belt, instead of it all intergrated. I didn't wear a weight belt last weekend (had to sacrifice the smaller weights for underweighted students) so I wore all 30 pounds intergrated, and I have to say I had a harder time with buoyancy and trim, even tho the weight was the same. One of my buddies recently had a reduction, she hasn't mentioned specific buoyancy issue, just generally more comfortable in her gear.
the waist belt on a backplate and wing often does not (and should not depending on your trim
characteristics) need to be 'at your natural waist'. ... I actually wear my shoulder straps a bit longer and my waist belt becomes 'hip hugger'. the crotch strap is what keeps the whole system stable.

Okay, that's a point. I never tried that because of the angle it would make (bottom of plate sitting higher than the part at my shoulders when horizontal), but maybe I should have.

Sure is nice to have this forum to talk over the possibilities. :)

Blue Sparkle

PS: Midget, I hope I have not taken this too off-topic since we got into the dynamics of backplate sizing. Perhaps there are useful nuggets of info though.
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Sure is nice to have this forum to talk over the possibilities. :)

Blue Sparkle

Not to mention, where else can you to get the real scoop on She-P without making the fellas squeemish...
Take it off topic all you want. I'm totally enjoying this post and so happy for this forum.
I'm learning from you all & so grateful for this resource.

I was too embarrassed to ask any men for help with trimming my weight in Indonesia because I felt they'd all just look at my boobs and decide it was hopeless.
My wife is a DD--uses a Libra by Seaquest BC with 2 weights(3 lbs each) in the upper pockets-------seems to work better than her old jacket Dacor(unisex) BC from the 80's.....
And at last a lurking man jumps on the topic!!!
If you are wobbling from side to side, and you don't feel as though the BC is wobbling on you, it may well be that the BC isn't stabilizing the tank very well. If it is all soft fabric, it's difficult for it to do that. Some BCs include a bit of plastic backplate in their construction, and seem to stabilize the tank somewhat better.

I'll also make the observation that a good paddle fin, spread out a little bit behind you, is a GREAT stabilizer. One of the reasons I hate to see our OW students put into split fins is that it is far more difficult to use them as stabilizers in that way. They just don't "bite" the water in the same fashion. I don't know what kind of fins you have been using, but you might consider borrowing or renting a pair of paddle fins of some sort, if the fins you have are splits, and see if that helps you be more stable.
Thanks TSandM. I've been reading and re-reading everything you've written today. That BCD may well slip on me just enough to matter. I wasn't cognizant of it, but I will go into a pool and check again. There's a good chance it is too long on me, too. Afterall, I'm an Oompa Loompa. 5'0" is so hard to fit with so many things :(

I wanted to buy more photography equipment, but I might have to buy a bp/w instead.
I'll see what I can get accomplished in the pool with a friend before I decide.

Paddle fins. Whowaddathunk?! Makes sense. More grist for the mill.

Your help has been of such value :D
And at last a lurking man jumps on the topic!!!

I only lurk the front page.......:D.....Go with a BP/W, ask Tobin @ DSS for his recommendation(s).....good luck.....

EDIT: I tried to get my wife to go with a BP/W, but she said 'after 23 years of diving a BC(I tried to tell her all a BP/W was was a glorified old BC), I'm diving a
Afterall, I'm an Oompa Loompa. 5'0" is so hard to fit with so many things :(

Me too. :D One of my students named me the blue oompa loompa in all my blue wings as I waddled down the beach.:rofl3:

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