How to get cert on 50-100% without doing deco/deep dive??

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You can't be serious about having an extra computer to track your CNS load are you?
You don't know if you have a PFO or not.
You don't know if possible PFO is causing your symptoms
You want to carry oxygen to mitigate a problem you don't know if you even have.

I would say you are putting the cart way before the horse. If you want to carry around an oxygen bottle for whatever reason then fine, get some training first.
If you are trying to solve a potential medical issue then you are going about it backwards.

SKimfisher... I Am interested in the "Deco-knowledge".. just not the deep/deco dives that follows.

GrimSleeper, Yes, I do believe that a likely cause for the hit was the profile in combo with the infection/abtreatment. (Next infection, I must remember NOT to get antibiotics... :wink:)

Vladimir: That sounds about right. Unless i absomoF***lutely have to give up.. I will not do it...THat still does not mean that I like that the risks are increased, and hence, want to at least try to keep it in check.

Wedivebc... Exactly for that point, I would carry 2 computers. One to give me nodecotime as if I were diving air, and the other as a backup concerning the oksygenload of the gas. The computer limiting the dive would be the one on air, and hence I would gain the extra margins.
Wedivebc.... This is exactly what the thread is about... Is there any way to recieve advanced nitrox training without having to do a dive to 40m??
I want the training.. I want the knowledge... I am just not interested in doing the real dive to 40m with decotime. Of course I would most certainly do the skills, read the theory and practice the skills FOR the decodive.. however I would prefer to keep the dive in reality within nodecolimits and shallower than 30m.

To the poster above wedivebc... there is no reason to address the profile of the dive, as I have already done that. The dives were within my computers limits, both when concerning nodecolimits, ascentrates, SIs, and depths. However, whilst I felt fine during the dive, I forgot to factor in the infection and subsequent ABtreatment I had had the weekend before. So... considering that one most certainly can get bent within "table" (computer) limits, I do believe that the combination of the dives and ABtreatments could be just as relevant as cause, as a possible PFO is. (Which also the chamberdoc agrees to...) I feel that my analysis of the dives have been sufficient.
If you can't/won't meet the certification requirements of the course, then how do you expect to get certified? Not to mention that the course requires a medical disclosure form, which if filled out truthfully would require you to get signed off by your doctor before you would be able to take the course. Which brings us back to square-one, which is go get checked for a PFO. Are you seeing a circular pattern to this conversation yet?

Continuing to dive within your current limits using standard nitrox in combo with air tables, minding ascent rates and extending your safety stops would be my first choice for introducing an even more conservative approach. Past studies have already shown that proper ascent rates and extended-safety stops drastically reduce bubbling - all without the use of O2.
If you can't/won't meet the certification requirements of the course, then how do you expect to get certified?
Maybe she doesn't. She has already made clear that she wants the training and doesn't need the cert.

Not to mention that the course requires a medical disclosure form, which if filled out truthfully would require you to get signed off by your doctor before you would be able to take the course. Which brings us back to square-one, which is go get checked for a PFO.
She has already been "cleared to dive,"—presumably by a doctor—without the test, so getting him to "sign off" shouldn't be a problem.

Are you seeing a circular pattern to this conversation yet?
I am, but I don't think it's the OP's fault.
I don't believe it's been mentioned yet, but certification is not the only way to learn. There is a great deal you can pick up in texts like Deco for Divers and assorted intro to technical diving coursework. Additionally, leverage knowledge that the divers around you have. You're just looking to pad your conservatism, so you don't need to know all of the content in regards to decompression etc, anyway. Your major concern will be proper management of MOD and OTUs.
You can't be serious about having an extra computer to track your CNS load are you?
I bring an extra computer just because I like the way it logs dives.

You don't know if you have a PFO or not.
You don't know if possible PFO is causing your symptoms
What would knowing change? She has already decided to continue diving and accept the risk, but she would like to mitigate it.

You want to carry oxygen to mitigate a problem you don't know if you even have.
She is mitigating a risk, not a problem. She has the risk.

I would say you are putting the cart way before the horse. If you want to carry around an oxygen bottle for whatever reason then fine, get some training first.
That's what she wants, to carry an oxygen bottle for whatever reason. Which doesn't seem fine to many people posting here. She came here asking about getting the training.

I have a question which I don't think has been considered: is the increased risk of breathing pure O2 underwater, and of switching gases underwater, worth whatever PFO risk mitigation it provides, if any, on NDL profiles?
yes tdi advanced nitroxdoes require dives to 40msw

No it doesn't.
Once again I wish TDI would post their standards publicly so people would not post misinformation.

It says if taught in conjuction with deco procedures the depth should not EXCEED 150ft (45 meters) If the course is taught in conjuction with Intro Tech the depth should not exceed 75 feet (23 meters)
Just a thought. I remember reading either in Deco for Divers or the NOAA manual, I think it was the NOAA manual that on recreational dives a safety stop at 5 feet on top of the 15 feet really help mitigate bubble formation.

If you get the time this might be something worth researching....Not the class information you're looking for but it might be helpful.....
Just a thought. I remember reading either in Deco for Divers or the NOAA manual, I think it was the NOAA manual that on recreational dives a safety stop at 5 feet on top of the 15 feet really help mitigate bubble formation.

If you get the time this might be something worth researching....Not the class information you're looking for but it might be helpful.....

Pg. 50 to be exact

Exactly what I was talking about earlier.
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