How to categorize beginner, intermediate, advance diver?

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Duh.. you guys are silly.
It doesn't matter HOW MUCH you've dived/diven/dove.
The guy wanted to know what the resorts were looking for when they posted "advanced" dives. sheesh.
Quit beating around the bush and just tell him so he can plan...

Basic = can touch any large sharks that come by.
Intermediate = can hang onto a shark's fins and get "dragged".
Advanced = can straddle and steer great whites.
Expert = can enter/exit the mouth of a moving humpback.

Gads! people quit confusing the guy.
Uncle Pug:
Better check out *his* profile.

whu? It says I'm new.
I admit,.. I'm basic.. I haven't been able to get dragged by a tiger shark yet.
whu? It says I'm new.
I admit,.. I'm basic.. I haven't been able to get dragged by a tiger shark yet.

nope, he means the guy is a gal...
Hmm. I knew about the D-rings, but I thought all the best divers wore basic black.:crafty:

Nah, they come in two varieties:

1) *Everything* matches completely, in both color and brand.

2) The "yard sale" look, consisting of new equipment in a delightful array of colors. Yellow fins, red mask, green snorkel, teal BC, purple reg, blue suit.

I'm aspiring to the second category.
that's me,a noob :crafty: . Most of my gears are from Dacor,but it was a can't really help it.
the colors are more or less my fav colors,like my fins it is black and sliver,my mask is clear,my snorkle is black...
I'm still a fairly new noob,as i know that i'm an air-sucker...and also still trying to fine tune my boyancy(i'm a very hyper guy underwater).
I've seen "advanced"divers standing on the reef...i sometimes feel like whacking them on their airheads with my metal pointer:death2:
What I’m interpreting anemone is asking is how to better judge what classifies a dive that is considered beginner, intermediate and advanced. Is this correct anemone?

Yes, very much that's what i meant.Coz some places/dive sites mentioned about diver's level.And it kind of struck in my head how do i differentiate the "levels" so i could fit in the dive site's without giving others hard they don't have to say:'Look, silly little girl(well, i'm not that little..*wink!*)she's still in a beginner level, what the heck is she doing here?'..that sort of question...

is the question clear?
2:20? what have you guys, gills?

i think i average about 45 mins a dive..but i dive with a lot of people who force me up before my tank is guy i dive with we can hit the hour mark pretty steadily..course that's 45 ft deep from shore..

Ok, what he didn't tell you is he dives double 120s, water heaters, actually...hee hee, just kidding. It is a big tank, though, isn't it OE2X?

I dive an 80 and always get at least an hour to 1:20 (depending on fill) off the beach to depths of 50ft. Still, I only fell like an experienced diver. More than advanced, way less than an expert, I am very comfortable in diverse dive conditions.

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