Actually Walter,
in reality I have had "control" of the board for well over a year when the board first started to have financial concerns. The former owners made me their proxy and never quibbled with how I managed this site. As I have always done, I share the decisions and responsibilities with others.
As with any phobia, most of these snakes are merely imaginary. The biggest problem most people have is stepping in their own messes
their poop. Its hard for most to accept this, but it is true nonetheless. We almost always want to point to others for any perceived failure in our life. Heck, thats human nature. In all probability the person shooting yourself in the foot is YOU.
Some mods are appointed, some are elected. Some play well with the other mods, and some dont. The Mod Squad HQ is not a place for the feint of heart. We speak our minds openly, and the only rule is to never take what is said in there out of the back room. I love it for its frankness and how I am openly challenged. Really.