Another subset of DM in-water, are drift dives. The DM is attached to a surface buoy that tells the captain where (most of) the divers are, since most of us cluster around the DM, though many do not. Either way is fine. You surface in a free ascent, and inflate your safety sausage so the boat can see you. Usually the boat is close by.
This is the West Palm/ Jupiter dive scene with which I'm familiar. The Gulf Stream is usually the main ingredient, drifting us all to the North.
My other dives are New England, where you're "on your own", and the Flower Gardens Marine Sanctuary liveaboards, ditto. And Florida panhandle, where it could go either way, depending on the operator.
General philosophy: don't count on having a guide or a babysitter, you're a certified diver, act like one. Then if you get a DM as a guide, wonderful, use it or don't..
This is the West Palm/ Jupiter dive scene with which I'm familiar. The Gulf Stream is usually the main ingredient, drifting us all to the North.
My other dives are New England, where you're "on your own", and the Flower Gardens Marine Sanctuary liveaboards, ditto. And Florida panhandle, where it could go either way, depending on the operator.
General philosophy: don't count on having a guide or a babysitter, you're a certified diver, act like one. Then if you get a DM as a guide, wonderful, use it or don't..