Not to sound defensive, because if I'm reading this right no one is putting us in the short fill category. However the one question I have especially to oceancurrent, because you seem to be the most disgruntled. Do you ever say anything before, after or during your tanks fills? I think most of what’s being discussed here could be avoided with simple open communication between the store and the customer. I think there are very few shops that will intentionally under fill tanks, most of the time it is just oversight because they a filling 50+ tanks in the course of day. Of course the person that started this thread is well known for coming in
30-60 minutes after we have closed on Sunday evenings to get fills

Sorry man, but you know it's the truth. Yes we are usually still there trying to clean up rentals and or drinking beer. Try that at any other store and more than likely they are not even going to open the door let alone give you a
free nice a slow half hour fill, so maybe thats the problem.
As far as all the other stuff about what's an acceptable amount of overfill and the question of wet vs. dry fills. That all has to do with the shops personal tolerance for those practices. Just like some people, Scuba tanks can be scary things when they are treated badly. As Soggy mentioned, a lot of what people consider safe and correct is urban legend that has literally been perpetuated since OMS starting selling those "new low pressure, made out of the special alloy” tanks back in the early 90's, that everyone claimed could be filled to 4 million psi, because they were in Europe. I remember asking a DOT, hydro station certified about it and he just laughed and said it was complete BS.
Paul out