How often do you abort dives and why?

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I'm often do you abort dives and why?

I've aborted 2.5 dives in a mere 24 dives. That's about 10%. I think that's ridiculously high, but perhaps a function of my beginner status.:(
other than a handful of minor gear failures that were noticed during pre-dive checks, I can't say I've honestly aborted one.... I grew up in the water though so my in water comfort is arguably better than my out of water comfort.

Do NOT feel embarrassed about it though. Calling 2-3 dives out of 24 is nothing to be ashamed of. Better that you called the dive than you didn't come back from it. There is nothing down there worth dying for and it is far better that you call the dives that you aren't comfortable on and not having it snowball into something that will stop you from diving.

That said, if it is the same thing that has caused you to call those dives, then you may want to re-evaluate why those things spooked you. You may need to learn to slay that dragon if you think it is impeding your diving progress. I don't know why you called those dives so can't comment on that, but don't feel bad about it
Can you go into more detail about your experiences and the dives you aborted?

I don't think I have ever aborted a dive. I have had a few dives that I ended early with plenty of gas, but nothing that involved an elevated stress level or panic where I felt I NEEDED to go in.

Aborting a dive is a personal choice and the golden rule is "Any diver can thumb, any dive, at any time, for any reason", but understanding your concerns and point of view may help the discussion.
Yep, that's a high proportion, but it doesn't matter. If you feel the need to call a dive, then call it. The ocean / lake will be there another day. Perhaps this discussion would be helped by an explanation of why you called the dive. Indeed, as your experience improves, your ability to fix problems underwater will also improve. But, at the end of the day, always call the dive if you feel the need.
Just a couple of times since I get certified in 1975. Once due to a rapidly developing change in conditions and once when the visibility went from a respectable 20 feet to zero in short order.

Sometimes things go sideways and it's safer to ascend and either regroup or just not do the dive. There are plenty of reasons to abort a dive including just not feeling comfortable about it for any reason.
Thanks. You're right. Better to call a dive than not to come back from it alive. Although I feel bad about it. My husband now makes fun of me for "always calling dives".

Aborted dive #1 - half aborted
I was diving a cenote. My mask started to fog and I freaked out. I indicated to the DM with my light that I needed to ascend. We ascended to a cavern with an air space. I was fine after a few minutes and continued the dive, cause that was the only way out of the cenote! So I count this as half an aborted dive. If it was an ocean dive, I would have aborted it completely.

Aborted dive #2 - drysuit check out dive
I was already exhausted from trying on many sizes of undergarment, drysuit, boots and fins until I could find one that fit. Then, after entering the quarry, I had a really hard time descending. I was underweighted. The instructor kept adding lb. after lb. after lb. to my tank. All that struggling made me really exhausted, so I called the dive.

Aborted dive #3 - ocean dive
I was unable to descend so the DM wanted to put 2 lbs. on my tank. He was doing this from my back and told my husband to hold me still from the front, because the currents were rather strong that day. I was sandwiched between the two of them. I felt claustrophobic, sick and wanted to panic. After they released me, I was able to dive for about 10 minutes but felt so sick I called the dive.
Thanks. You're right. Better to call a dive than not to come back from it alive. Although I feel bad about it. My husband now makes fun of me for "always calling dives".

Aborted dive #1 - half aborted
I was diving a cenote. My mask started to fog and I freaked out. I indicated to the DM with my light that I needed to ascend. We ascended to a cavern with an air space. I was fine after a few minutes and continued the dive, cause that was the only way out of the cenote! So I count this as half an aborted dive. If it was an ocean dive, I would have aborted it completely.

You couldn't clear up (flood & flush) the mask underwater?
Depends on what the definition of "abort" is.

Before actually getting in from boat or shore, lots, all due to marginal conditions (current, swell, wind).

During dive, perhaps a couple out of my 3,880 dives, all due to very poor visibility and one due to my wife's reg falling apart. I also aborted another dive when a reg failed, but that was almost at the end of the dive. None aborted due to buddy panic that I recall or panic on my behalf, although I did have one dive where I was very anxious with narcosis (50 m). For that dive I radically modified my plan and did a much shorter and more conservative dive than I would normally have done.

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