My request to you as a fellow sb member is to stop the "silly" style of insulting commentary. It's just not really why we are all here.The following is a quote from a paper titled "Inspection of Scuba Gear by Ultraviolet Light" by Dr. Dick Boyd and Greg Kent.......
You can argue with these guys, it just makes your argument look silly.
Phil Ellis
You began this with equating K-valve's methods with fortune telling and things went from bad to worse. He responded to you in the typical swat flies with a cannon mindset we all use. From there various people get their attitudes fired up and this thread, one that a new diver like myself can benefit greatly from, went to $h!7.
In the interests of peace and the common good of the sb community please stop the insulting commentary.
Discuss this in a way that does not single out or insult others.
A re-phrasing of your post so as not to be antagonistic:
Phil Ellis:The following is a quote from a paper titled "Inspection of Scuba Gear by Ultraviolet Light" by Dr. Dick Boyd and Greg Kent.......If there is a valid and useful rebuttal to this data please post it.APPLICATIONS OF UV-A LIGHT INSPECTIONS: Unfortunately, UV-light is NOT infallible as applied for hydrocarbon detection. Many modern chemical products DO NOT fluoresce and therefore cannot be sensed by UV A-light methods. Two diving-related examples of non-fluorescing materials are synthetic compressor oils and most silicone grease compounds. Among diving technicians, these chemicals are recognized as the most likely contaminants to pervade scuba oresce. Consequently, GMC does not recommend UV-inspection of dive tanks after oxygen-cleaning. If the presence of the most common pollutants cannot be confirmed by UV-A, the purchase and use of a tank VIP Blacklight costing many hundred of dollars makes no sense! Many military and research organizations agree with this point, and no longer mandated Blacklight inspections for all types of oxygen equipment.
Phil Ellis