I'm a new diver with under 40 dives but by the end of this month I'll be on EAN. My class is paid for and I'm chomping at the bit to get er done. After that any shop that doesn't have EAN available isn't going to be worth going into ... for any reason. So, when I buy my next singles rig (19lb wing, ssbp, can light & a back-up light, suunto compass, neoprene shoulder straps, air2, smb, shorty knife and line cutter= about$2k) plus the equipment upgrades I need to dive EAN (dry suit, bottles, a dedicated EAN lp?? tank (that i'll have to get O2 cleaned every month

) and so on=another $2k) later this month I'm not going to the guy who will not even invest enough to meet my gas needs I'm going to the shops where I can get my mixed gas from. Next year will be rebreather year. How much am I going to drop on that little change of gear?
It would only make sense that the shop that has the foresight to bank mixed gases will develop a dedicated customer base that supports some pretty serious gear sales. Unless of course the owner is a butthead ... you know the type that grumbles at you for coming in for fills on a tank with a viz sticker that isn't from his shop? ... in which case he'll be stuck doing the mask and snorkel shuffle for $350 a pop to keep himself fed.
Not trying to argue with you danktex, just offering up my unsolicited Oh2 as the noob on the block