We were snorkeling with a humpback when we ran into one. My husband whacked it on the nose twice with his big camera. Don't know if it was coming back for a third time as hubby got to the boat by then and several people reached down and lifted him out. (He'd finned backwards while facing the shark, while instinctively or accidentally vertical. I had already followed the "you only need to swim faster than your buddy" rule.)
Flailing hands seem like a really bad idea. It chomped at the Lorna Doones cookies someone threw to it. Dunno why someone thought trying to feed an OWT Lorna Doones was a good idea. Maybe because they were out of the fish scraps they had thrown to it. (Yes they basically chummed with snorkelers in the water, to this day I look back and say WTF?) So not feeding it is a dandy idea. Like that needs to be said.
Flailing hands seem like a really bad idea. It chomped at the Lorna Doones cookies someone threw to it. Dunno why someone thought trying to feed an OWT Lorna Doones was a good idea. Maybe because they were out of the fish scraps they had thrown to it. (Yes they basically chummed with snorkelers in the water, to this day I look back and say WTF?) So not feeding it is a dandy idea. Like that needs to be said.