How do you think a Cozumel divemaster sits in the hierarchy of jobs to have in Cozumel, say compared to a bartender or a waiter in a busy restaurant?
There are some true experts on the board who might chime in.
One of my best friends is a long-established Cozumel divemaster. He lives pretty close to the bone. He did manage to buy a small lot out in the jungle where there's no electricity and has been slowly buying things like bags of cement and concrete blocks when he can. If his computer or phone (usually donated by a friend) breaks, he can't afford to get it fixed. Once he had to sell his Miflex regulator hoses to get money for food, and has had to sell his scooter at times and hitch rides to work. I'm not saying he's great with money or that other DM's might not do better, but he is more financially insecure, especially for the hours he works, than anyone I know in the US. He tells me that the difference between making it as well as he does and being completely unable to do things like buy food is tips.