Question How much of an IP drop is acceptable?

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and now i wanna get multiple IP guages and flow meters :spend: ah the temptation
I just remembered something that I could have clarified also along my guess-rant that’s a bit more basic, so forgive me if it’s exhaustive:
The relationship between boundaries, velocity and viscosity (that can vary with compression):
One of the moat important “laws” in fluid dynamics is about “boundary layer” velocities, there can’t be a “step” in velocity of a molecule air/water/oil and the next, only a smooth gradient
It comes with a corollary: the velocity of the outer most layer — touching a wall of a hose or a piston shaft — has to ALWAYS be zero

These are the reason we have:
laminar flow (the gradient of velocity is mild, classic eg is a smooth parabola profile of velocity flowing in a pipe crossesction

Turbulent flow (the gradient is mich more aggressive and plateaus due to friction, like a trapezoid profile in a pipe cs

Very “instantaneous” changes in velocity would prompt small “whorls” that accelerate the fluid from the near by areas, with patg of least resistance, ie. Less walls and hose in between, HF/turrethead ports

Imagine driving on a highway on a sunny day, your window are down, and you swish across a truck going the other way
It doesn’t just create a mini tornado into your interior, it even sometimes yanks your whole car a few centimeters laterally towards it

The itty bitty whorls are the local phenomenon that “creates” viscosity, the resistance to deformation — now bringing compressible fluids (gas) in the mix: reynolds number would wildly vary from one chamber to another with all the gas expansions I would guess

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