How many dives on your Fusion?

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Underwater Ogre

Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
I am really intrigued by the Fusion. I have tried it on and am sold with the mobility, but I am very hard on gear. I am a bit wary...need some stats to make finalize my decision.

How many dives on your Whites Fusion?

Also do I get the Tech skin?

Thanks very much,
I got mine a few months ago, so I can't speak to long-term durability, but I love it so far. The _only_ thing that isn't performing as expected is the material that attaches the suspenders to the inside of the suit, which has torn (vertically) in line with the force put on when I wear it.

Still functions though! And it is a great product!
I have 60 ish on mine nd it is holding up very well - no leaks and no issues. I do have a zipper that is fraying very badly, but I think that is an issue related to the zipper, not the suit itself. Once I get past my full cave course in January, I plan to send it in for warranty service as it is showing 5-4 years worth of fraying and wear after only 6 months of use.

I like the tech skin for the pocket option but I am only luke warm about the pockets themselves. They are ok but not stellar by any means.

Otherwise I really love the suit - it swims better than any dry suit I have ever owned.
I've got about 150 on mine, including two cave diving trips involving crawling around on limestone (while entering and exiting caves). I have replaced the neck seal, but that's normal for me -- I eat latex neck seals. I have a similar zipper issue to DA's -- it's been very sticky from the beginning and is fraying very badly. But my husband's suit is not showing any such premature wear.

I love the suit. It's so much more comfortable than either of my other dry suits was, and the mobility is superb.

I didn't get the tech skin, as it was not available when I bought my suit. I use X-shorts, and I'm of two minds about that. They work great and have much better pockets than the ones which my friends have on their tech skins. But periodically, I either forget to bring them to the dive site, or forget to put them on, which means I'm without safety equipment. Simpler is better!
Well after some research I have made the decision...a Fusion with Tech it is...Now just have to figure out which color I want:D...hahaha

Thanks to everyone who replied,

My wife has 25 plus dives on hers. Still looks good and not leaks, squeeks, rips or rattles!
Does anyone know what brand of zipper they use? The reason I ask is because as I understand it there are only a couple of zipper manufacturers, with YKK being the most common. There are only a couple of dry zippers styles and most all drysuit manufacturers seem to use the same zippers just in different lengths.
About 75 dives. Tech skin. Zipper going strong. Dislike the pockets, wouldn't bother again. For that matter wouldn't bother with the tech skin again. The pocket stitching is cutting through the skins leg at all the bottom corners. Quite a bit of pilling. The bracers are falling apart. The vertical elastic is breaking and sticking out. One side is also tearing horizontally at the top anchor point. Will be talking to my supplier soon about a warranty replacement. The knee pads are a joke.

It's comfortable & a pleasure to dive. It's been bounced over many substrates while performing various research dives. I'v shimmied through a number of rock & rusty swim throughs. It's done some wild boat re-entries. In short, while I maintain my gear meticulously, it doe's the job I require it to do or it dies.

The skin has taken a beating. There are design elements about the tech skin & pockets that don't impress me. The dry core however is as good today as the day I got the suit. I can live with replacing a skin every so often. I'll go for the simple & cheaper sport's skin though.
Hello All,

Thank you everyone who has either made inquirys regarding the Fusion, or given feedback on thier individual experiences. I would like to take this oppurtunity to answer a few of the questions I have seen, and reply to some of the concerns regarding certain aspects of the Fusion.

All of the zippers used on the Fusions are manufactured by YKK, which is considered a leader in zipper quality. The "fraying" that some people are noticing is simply a result of the amount of extra material that YKK has extended past the zipper teeth, and does not affect the zipper quality or performance in any way. Granted, it does give the perception of deterioration, but all you need to do is gently burn away the extra fraying with a lighter, and problem solved. Also, proper zipper maintenance using a high quality wax on both sides of the zipper helps to conditon the material and prevent this fraying from occuring.

From my experience being on the road and conducting Fusion demos across the Western USA, I can tell you that the first thing people ask about the Fusion is "how durable is that?" There are a few things to remember on the durablity issue. First, the skin not only streamlines the DryCore, but it is also acting as a protective layer guarding the diver from punctures or tears in the DryCore. Remember, the DryCore is what is keeping you dry so even if you managed to tear the outer skin, you would still be dry and could easily repair or replace the skin. The other point is that since the skin is independent of the DryCore there is a "shearing" or slipping effect if the skin is snagged on something. So instead of catching and tearing, the skin slips and pulls off. Again, one of the great things about the Fusion is it's modular capabilities in switiching out the external skins.

The Fusion does not come with hard Kevlar style knee pads because that would take flexibility away from the suit. The whole idea around the Fusion is the mobility, stremlining and flexibility. If we added a hard knee pad, the diver would lose stretch in that area and defeat the purpose of the suit. Instead a "Tough Coat" was put on the knees for abrasion resistance and it works very well in that regard. Having said that, we value the feedback of eveyone out there who dives the Fusion and are always looking for ways to innovate and improve our product. When an upgrade is available as Fusion owners you simply need to buy a new skin and you have a brand new suit. So as the technology improves you can keep up and not be stuck for years with an out of date drysuit. Remember, the DryCores all stay the same and only the skins are changing!

The pockets on the Fusion are attached to the skin and are a bellows style pocket that expands out if you need it, and contracts if you don't. There is an easy to open velcro flap, gromets installed for bungee attachment, and a drainage vent on the bottom. My experience with the pockets has been nothing but positive, however we realize that some divers are used to different systems so we will continue to use your feedback in our future endavours.

Once again, thank you to all Scubaboarders who have taken the time to answer thier fellow divers questions and provide us here at Whites with invalubale feed back. Keep it coming!


Justin Balaski
Regional Sales Manager
Western United States
Whites Manufacturing Ltd.

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