How many Chicago Bear fans we got here?

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ooops, my national geographic shot of a Bear and a Saint got pulled.
There's a team named the Houston Texans? Where have I been?

By the way, some things never change. In 1986 I was living and diving on Catalina Island and rooting for the Bears!
Hey Zayre n your list????

LOL Axl!

I worked at Zayre in Markham Il. when I was 15 years old. I told them I was 16...they never checked..and I hitched hiked to work. Ah..the good old days. :)
There's a team named the Houston Texans? Where have I been?

By the way, some things never change. In 1986 I was living and diving on Catalina Island and rooting for the Bears!

Funny Dr Bill I moved from San Diego to Chicago in 78 and still rooting for the Charger s :rofl3: see somethings never change.:rofl3: :rofl3: :popcorn:
There's a team named the Houston Texans? Where have I been?

By the way, some things never change. In 1986 I was living and diving on Catalina Island and rooting for the Bears!

nah..they aint really a team

The Qb is more of for looks than anything else.

The US department of homeland security arranged for the set up of a mock team called the Houston Texans so that the QB, David Carr, would not be working for NASA or designing your next GM car. I am sure grateful for that!!

Perfect example of all looks and no deliver. (yeah i speak bad what:D)
soo, hear the one about Brett Favre (packers QB) dieing and going to heaven?

yeah, he finally dies and goes to heaven and God greets him and shows him around and to his new house in heaven. It is a modest, run down two bedroom house with chipped siding and a tattered packers flag in the window.

God says to Favre, "you are privilaged to have this house, because not many people get a house here in heaven."

Favre acknowledges and thanks God.

Couple days later, Favre is out and about exploring heaven and comes across this stunnning house, painted in blue and detailed with orange. The walk is painted with the chicago Bears (head) logo, and blue and orange satin banners hang on the outside. In every window, there is a shiny bears helmet, with the characteristic Chicago Bears C sparkling llike new.

Favre, a little perturbed, confronts God about the house and asks, "God, I have been to so many superbowls, I am a hall of famer, why does Walter Payton get to live in that house and I get my meager housing you gave me a few days ago?"

God replies, Brett, that is not Walter Payton's house.....that is my house....GO BEARS!!!!"
LOVE that one, AXL72! Will have to share it with my family.

One gripe about Stupid Bowl Sunday. It seems divers are avoiding us like the plague. Not a single boat sign up for Sat or Sun. Come on now folks, SCUBA and the Bears can coexist on the same weekend. I plan to dive Sat and Sunday (before the game of course... another thing I love about the West Coast is later start times for most events).
ok the count is -3 as I see it
Ya know, Bears paper plates, cups, napkins and such.

And here's the stuff..including 3 newspapers from Chicago!


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