How long does it take you to pack?

How long does it take you to pack after the dive.

  • 15 minutes - I am done and ready to go!

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • 30 minutes - quick rinse and load and I am done!

    Votes: 25 36.2%
  • 1 hour - hey, it is an art I need to rinse, pack, chat a bit

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • more than 1 hour - I am in no hury, chatting and doing post dive is a ritual

    Votes: 7 10.1%

  • Total voters

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Well, it depends on the dive and the people I'm with. I have some dives where the day gets more attention than the dive plan. Post dive might include a bbq at the quarry on a portable grill, or it might be that I squeezed a dive in prior to an evening commitment and need to rush to get home.

Typically though, breaking down and packing is done in 20 minutes to a half-hour or less, but leaving the site might take me hours -- and usually takes an hour or more.
5 Mins I am ready to leave, However I choose to stay for another hour to chat.
Load gear in duffel bags at home:5 min.
Load coolers, bags, gear & tanks in truck: 5 min.
Feed & water chickens: 10 min.
Catch Black Lab and imprison him:15 min.
Uncover, prepare & hook up boat: 15 min.
Drive to launch ramp: 30 min.
Launch boat:10 min.
Cruise to dive spot:10-45 min.
Anchor boat: 5-15 min.
Gear up: 10 min.
Dive 1:30-60 min.
Surface interval (lunch): 60-90 min.
Dive 2: 30-60 min.
Take off & pack gear in duffels:10 min.
Relax, sunbathe: As required.
Weigh anchor: 5-10 min.
Cruise back to launch ramp:10-45 min.
Load Boat on trailer: 10 min.
Drive home: 30 min.
Rinse boat and trailer, flush engine, cover boat:30 min.
Rinse & hang gear:15 min.
Apologize to Black Lab: 10 mins.
I can pack and be gone in 10min, but that usually requires driving all the way back to retrieve whatever gear I left behind as I rushed to get out of there in 10min.

In the long run, nothing wastes more time than rushing.

It is nice to hang a bit, but I am a dude's dude(do not read into that:wink:) and can pack up and go in 15. Whether that is after a dive, or for a dive trip that lasts a week, 15 minutes is a very long time.
Load gear in duffel bags at home:5 min.
Load coolers, bags, gear & tanks in truck: 5 min.
Feed & water chickens: 10 min.
Catch Black Lab and imprison him:15 min.
Uncover, prepare & hook up boat: 15 min.
Drive to launch ramp: 30 min.
Launch boat:10 min.
Cruise to dive spot:10-45 min.
Anchor boat: 5-15 min.
Gear up: 10 min.
Dive 1:30-60 min.
Surface interval (lunch): 60-90 min.
Dive 2: 30-60 min.
Take off & pack gear in duffels:10 min.
Relax, sunbathe: As required.
Weigh anchor: 5-10 min.
Cruise back to launch ramp:10-45 min.
Load Boat on trailer: 10 min.
Drive home: 30 min.
Rinse boat and trailer, flush engine, cover boat:30 min.
Rinse & hang gear:15 min.
Apologize to Black Lab: 10 mins.

About 7.5 hours according to my calculation? That's about right for me too, except the dog part. My guilt causer is an 11 month old baby boy.
The boat is the biggest time consumer. Gassing, checking battery terminals, oil, KEY...I forgot that once.
Then if I'm spearfishing, bands, guns, gloves, knife, floatline, floater, extra shaft, ice...I have a long check list.
If I'm at a beach on vacation and just scuba diving. 6 things, load in 1 minute.
BC (already has SMB, weights and knife attached)
I can do it in 5 minutes with a quick rinse but...
If we have where to rinse gear an cameras add 10 minutes
Long good byes with local friend another 10 minutes

Making our mind and get the courage to the long drive home and get back to "reality" from 1 to 3 hours. :D
The act of getting out of my dive gear and packing it into the truck is well under 15 minutes (a couple buddies of ours are always surprised when we have all our crap packed away and they're still standing around with their drysuits on and rigs fully in-tact!).

Depending on who's around, how late it is (and if we have to work the next morning), and what the plans are for later in the day (like when we do potlucks on the beach after diving), it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours between packing and heading out....with the average being probably somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes.
I'd say on those days where I'm going to leave 15 to 30 mins max. Most of the time though I stay to socialize so it can be hours. We might be having a bbq or something so we just hang around until whenever.

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