How girls can avoid being hit on?

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I'm pretty new to SB but have been reading this thread and laughing along with some of the responses. So I'll add my worthless .02: I too will enjoy it while I'm getting it (attention that is :) ) and no a ring or no ring doesn't make a lot of difference sometimes. I'm there to have a good time, enjoy the dive and meet new friends.

I wanted to learn to dive in order to see the world under water, and secondly to socialize and make new friends along the way.

I would never be just mean to a guy for flirting unless it was totally crude and inappropriate... and if he's just that crude then he just learn a new place to wear his snorkel.
Tell her to start gratefully accepting the comments, etc... and have her answer with "You know, since my sex change operation, Im just shocked at how many men are into me!!"

Should put a stop to that in a hurry.

ROFLMFAO... yep.. that'll do it:D
true story...... on a dive boat once we had this really attractive female DM. All the guys on the boat thought she was cute, until she took off her wetsuit. My husband was talking to her and then turned around to me with his eyes bugged out. I looked..... it looked like she had a couple of squirrels sticking out of her bikini bottoms. Holy cow, that's one way to keep guys from hitting on you! Don't shave your bikini area! :11::11::11:
My husband couldn't even talk to her after that, even when she was wearing the wetsuit. Seriously, grossed him out bigtime.
..... it looked like she had a couple of squirrels sticking out of her bikini bottoms......
when i first read this i had NO idea what the heck you were talking about! i thought you were implying she was a he at first :lotsalove:
I fail to see the problem! As long as the attention isn't creepy, tell her to take it in stride and enjoy the affirmation of her appeal. Short of being rude or gross, men are going to flirt when there's one pretty girl on a boat of 20 people. It's natural, and usually without any intent of follow through. If she's determined to just do her own thing, tell her to go the ipod route...keep the headphones in and ignore.

The whole "minding her own business" thing seems so dull to me. I love the people I meet through diving, the stories they have to tell, the things I have to learn from them. There are a couple of Tech divers who are always at the quarry where I've done all my classes and other things, and I'll go right over and pick their brains about diving every time I'm there. I'm not trying to pick them up, and vice versa, I just like geeking out on diving with people who are vastly more experienced than me.
.... I love the people I meet through diving, the stories they have to tell, the things I have to learn from them. There are a couple of Tech divers who are always at the quarry where I've done all my classes and other things, and I'll go right over and pick their brains about diving every time I'm there. I'm not trying to pick them up, and vice versa, I just like geeking out on diving with people who are vastly more experienced than me.

a healthy attitude Grish... just like one size doesnt fit all, someone can behave this way and half a dozen people can get half a dozen different opinions

You would be surprised as to what some guys are into.

I'm not either. Imagine being a cop's flashlight for a week.:wink:

Dude, that was so funny I almost spit my water all over my computer!

This whole wedding ring thing got me thinking- I don't think there's any way for an attractive girl to deter guys from at least trying to initiate conversation. Most of us single guys (and some not so single) are looking for compansionship. I find it hard to believe that you single ladies don't feel the same.

I'll leave the definition of "compansionship" to your own agenda and values. For me, in that context, it means a nice conversation and maybe a coffee date next week.

But, I digress. The message I'm trying to get across is that how you present yourself will affect the sort of people that approach you. If you wear a wedding ring, you're more likely meet other couples and single people who don't know/care about your spouse. If you bring a book, you're more likely to meet someone interested in the same material. If you wear an XKCD shirt, you're more likely to meet, well, me.

I guess what I'm saying is that most of us guys do maintain some sort of filter. If you're single, instead of worrying about guys always hitting on you, why not consider dive boats/sites (I'm mostly a shore diver :) ) an opportunity to maybe meet a diver with similar interests? I say instead of wearing that wedding ring or stinky wetsuit, do something that will attract the right people and deter the wrong ones.

I don't want to offend those who just plain aren't interested in meeting anyone new. I've been there too. Still, even in those times, I've never minded those girls who decided to spark up a conversation and flirt a bit. It's always been easy enough for me to make clear my desire to be left to myself. Is that experience just different for guys?


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