This has been both interesting and amusing.
I've thought about several ways to die. Unlike some, I'd like to be aware of it for a chance to have one last talk with God. But, it doesn't have to be a long conversation. While I do not think I'll be able to "go gently into that goodnight", I also don't know want to "rage ... rage" when it comes.
My ways to die ...
1. Served on a Splatter ... I'm thinking about returning to the sport of skydiving and becoming serious about it. One minute, you're laughing with your friends, 30 seconds and two expletives later, you're ground beef.
2. Jawed ... I'm with Dr. Bill. The ocean, my Planet Blue surfboard, and coming face to jaws with the ghost that's haunted my nightmares. I took a probable test bump, once, that cost me serious coin to replace my skeg, skeg box and the fist size punch through the fiberglass.
3. Climb-axed ... I wrote a short story in college about a climber understanding what Hemingway's leopard was doing atop Kilimanjaro. Finding a certain "immortality" where the scavengers won't consume you ... no mortician will abuse you ... no burial or cremation. Just sitting down on top of one of the world's highest places once you give up, not caring that you aren't going to make it down.
4. Shallow Grave ... Having had 3 shallow water blackouts while freediving, this way to die is painless and easy. Mentally, you kind of make peace with it during deep descents and you realize the risks associated with the sport. It's like going to sleep in the best state of mind and body, in the water, and doing something I really love.
5. W'hors d'œuvre ... Getting caught with your supermodel girlfriend's supermodel BFF after teaching her how to use your Glock.