Question How do you travel with your Nauticam setup?

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Still have plenty of time to work on permutations.
Factor in the possibility of your luggage getting lost or delayed, especially if you're doing a liveaboard - try to split the gear between carry-on and check-in luggage in such a way that you still have a working, if limited, setup without the checked-in parts.
That gentlemen makes some good points because he uses a holistic approach to packing. He has reduced his dive gear to a minimum in amount and weight and uses his cloths for padding. You are not going to carry a stainless steel backplate, 30+ pounds lift wings and multiple regulator sets and carrry a well equipped camera rig or pay for it $. Something has to give somewhere. For example, it is often said that braided hoses do not save any weight and I would tend to agree except that they do. If I bring two regulator sets, idenntal hoses, 40 inches primary, 22 inches secondary, 30 inches spg and 20 inches wing the difference is about 8 ounces and two reg sets that is a pound. Even half a pound is a savings. The fins, I find the Go-Sport or Eddy with booties to be every bit as light and travel friendly as full foot fins and open heel fins. And the Go-Sport and similar are usually a little shorter than full foot fins because the pocket is shorter. And you can stuff your masks inside open heel fins leaving plastic mask cases behind. You can further reduce bulk and weight by going BCI integrated inflator with a single long hose (40 inches) primary., larger arms, more powerful strobes (maybe), a mirrorless and a full framer are just going to travel larger and heavier than a compact like a S90 or the current equivilent, the Canon GX7 or Sonly RX100 series.

Not sure about compacts being as heavy as a full frame. My compact Canon S90/FIX is able to travel much smaller, one wide angle wet lens, one macro wet lens. That vs multiple ports, WWL-1, CMC macro, multiple camera lenses and a macro lens and port.

I agree with your last statement. My previous set-up ( I still have it) was a Olympus Micro 4/3rd system. EPL-5 in a Nauticam housing, 12-50 lens (Macro 43mm) with associated port. That system served me well for 10 years and was very versatile. I could pretty much fit everything in my camera backpack including 2 x YSD1 strobe and Kraken focus video light. I then decided to upgrade to full frame system for more resolution and 4K video. Much larger housing and ports which use much more packing real estate.
Factor in the possibility of your luggage getting lost or delayed, especially if you're doing a liveaboard - try to split the gear between carry-on and check-in luggage in such a way that you still have a working, if limited, setup without the checked-in parts.
Concur and always do.
Camera and lenses plus whatever fits in the carry one (strobes, some ports, etc)
Housing, domes, arms all in check in luggage with the dive gear within their padded cases
I use airtags for tracking and never had an issue
I have an a6300 - much smaller, and I fill a full checked bag with just dive and camera gear. Last trip, I even had to move some to my other checked bag as I was overweight. I don't understand how putting everything expensive and important in your carry on is a realistic option.

The possibility of luggage getting lost sucks. It seems my luggage is lost on almost half my trips, although it always turns up eventually, and usually the airline is willing to transport it to my hotel. I assume the airline and travel insurance would cover at least some of the financial losses if it never turned up.

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