I'm reading a lot of the replies on my thread; I am thinking, those of us who live in an area with plentifull diving, there is probably a larger social media presence. Where finding local dive buddies is easy. I was reaching out on every local FB page, pretty much 2-4 days a week, looking for dive buddies on those days. This was during covid, so I had lots of time off. The local dive community took notice of the "new guy" who dives a lot. Having all of the gear needed, not relying on rentals is key too. A couple of local legends, took me out because I was enthusiastic, and actually was diving 2 - 4 days a week. I ended up creating a couple of different FB groups, for local diving. Both with different objectives. One group, we try to meet one midweek morning, splashing usually 7-7:30 ish. Oh ya, cold water, dry suits. The other group dives Sun am, with a local shop's drop in dive, and we use the group for diving during the week too. Early morn group has 69 members and growing, the other group over 200, but really only a core group of active members. We get out of towners joining the group, before they come to town. I have only been diving since Sept, 2020, but have over 320 dives under my belt, vast majority of those were friends made on FB and through local shops, or I am also Solo cert. I would imagine the experiences finding buddies are completely different for people who have to drive for a couple of hours, to get to the dive site.