Thanks TSandM. I've never heard of the tank factor before. My reasons are to know how I would be doing if I were diving a single, to keep mental track of what progress I'm making on my SAC, and to just keep a running total of my remaining air in actual volume instead of just psi. If for some reason my dive plan changes I would like to be able to calc out where I am at regarding remaining gas.There's a pretty easy way to do the math in your head. I was taught something called a "tank factor", which is the volume of gas in cubic feet that corresponds to 100 psi in your tank or tanks. For an Al80, the TF is 2.5; for doubles, it's 5. So, if you have 900 psi in double Al80s, it's 9 x 5 = 45 cu ft. If, for whatever reason, you want to know how much gas is in EACH tank, it's half of that.
texdiveguy thanks for that link. It has some very useful stuff.
vintagediver thanks for the raw math. That is what we should all know from our basic open water classes.
willgr1 thaks for the help