How did uploading your dive profile to a PC help improve your diving?

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But what separates man from the beast is that the man can tame his lowly instincts. Besides even if I yield, still I am curious what else one can do with it.

Recording dives on wrecks at various times of year. Thermoclines are fun to watch as they change from isothermal to "you gotta be kidding me". Plan your undergarments accordingly...

My best possible answer is that they are fabulous for analytical "post dive analysis" types (me) and general goofing.

Navigation at depth in the water column, how well did you do?
Following the bottom at constant swim rate to get a bottom profile.
Practicing free water ascents
Testing your computer against tables.

General goofing:
The attached image is an on-the-line, no-gauges, attempted RGBM ascent on the Sea Lion because the vis was so crappy that day I wondered how evenly I could do a slow ascent. (I was off on the stop depth.)

View attachment 99476

Bottom line, I like to see the line.
Disagree w/ Bubbletrouble.

I will bookmark just before doing a drill, like mask removal. I can then see if I held position or shifted, how well I breathed, etc.

I can also monitor my ascent.

Tapatalk by Droid
... On somewhat unrelated note, I have a question about the SAC. Is your SAC rate changing much over the course of the dive? I have a Zoop, which unfortunately does not measure my pressure. I wonder how accurate and useful the result would be if I computed my SAC based on the average depth.
What other interesting things can you read from your uploaded profiles ... or periods of increased SAC due to stress or other factors?
As you know, the zoop won't help you completely with SAC, you'll have to record starting and ending tank pressures manually. But it does record average depth of the dive, so it's some help there.<br>
This generation of Suunto platform, the Cobra, Vyper, Gekko and zoop, only record depth in the profile memory. Temperature is recorded only as start, end, and max depth. For those with AI (the Cobra, not sure if the Vyper Air is the same), only the starting and ending tank pressure is recorded, and only the difference, delta-P, is displayed in the logbook display. That's enough to compute an average SAC for the dive. As others have said, that's pretty useful.<br>
To compute a changing SAC during a dive, the profile would have to record tank pressure at each sample interval. The Cobra does not. I believe the Cobra 2 and 3, and other newer Suuntos, and some computers from other manufacturers do that, but while I do download and read manuals for computers I don't own (just did for your zoop), my capacity/curiosity/need for precision in posting here is finite.<img src=" Smiles/14.gif" alt="" title="Cool 2" smilieid="1394" class="inlineimg" border="0"> So if you develop a need for a profile of changing SAC within a dive, vice an average SAC for the whole dive, be careful about what computer you buy.<br>
BTW, another poster mentioned thermoclines etc. Again, some computers record temperature at every sample interval. This generation of Suuntos does not, only start, end, and temperature at max depth. And only the latter is available in the logbook display. PC upload makes the start and end temps, and the actual start and end tank pressures (vice delta-P) available.<br>
Moving completely away from SAC and AI models, but still addressing other parts of your query: I previously disparaged the built-in logbook page-4 logbook scroll, but it does work, including on your zoop. It's not unreasonably tedious once or twice. I wouldn't want to do it for every dive.<br>
To see what you might get out of an uploaded profile on your PC, you could look at one dive on the zoop logbook display and manually construct a profile. The information is the same. Get a friend to record the depths at each sample as you read them from the zoop display. Also, make a note for a sample with a flag event - slow, bookmark, etc. If you graph it, you'll have the same thing you'd get from the upload.

Edit: I have no idea where the html exposed in the displayed post came from. I didn't type them. Too much to fix. Read around them, or ignore.
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I like seeing how my SAC changes during the dive, and how it changes with water temperature. To my surprise, I find my SAC is quite high during the first 2-3 minutes of a dive, and then it settles down. I have a Suunto Cobra 3 and use MacDive, and it shows SAC throughout the dive.
I like seeing how my SAC changes during the dive, and how it changes with water temperature. To my surprise, I find my SAC is quite high during the first 2-3 minutes of a dive, and then it settles down. I have a Suunto Cobra 3 and use MacDive, and it shows SAC throughout the dive.
Not surprising at all.
That's when you're equalizing your ears. Divers tend to use more gas when they are concentrating on equalization and not very relaxed.
I left my stupid $75 Suunto cable in a storage bin in the States, and I have to admit, I miss it. My log is now woefully out of date, and I don't get to relive my dives when I return from a dive trip. But I still have photos to process, and there's always Scubaboard.
I download mine as I have air intergration aswell and it is intresting to see effects of temp and workload on breathing.
I like seeing how my SAC changes during the dive, and how it changes with water temperature. To my surprise, I find my SAC is quite high during the first 2-3 minutes of a dive, and then it settles down. I have a Suunto Cobra 3 and use MacDive, and it shows SAC throughout the dive.

That's because you inflate your wing while at the surface and then again when you get to your depth.

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