I have always wondered about that myself. Electric power for the EV is still coming from power stations that use fuel to generate power. Perhaps saving the pollution gas powered cars are emitting but wouldn't power stations emit more into the atmosphere because they have to generate power for the EV's? Does anyone have the complete picture/equation to see where the savings are for EV vs. gas powered cars?
I just read an article which I can't find.
How the cost over a lifetime comparing gas, hybrid, and EVs
It was counting energy for manufacturing, fuel and maintenance... over a lifetime, whatever that means... basically the hybrid won out,
Because battery and battery life is so expensive and manufacturing intensive...
Electric production should be cleaner, because it stationary and good scrubber technology can be used,
But remember transportation of energy on the grid is not free,
there are inefficiencies.... let say 80-85% for each conversion plus line losses.
There is a minimum of 3 step up to step down transformers before it reaches your house, then a step to the EV charger then into the inefficient battery. Then 85% loss to the motors....
It is true oil needs to be pumped processed and shipped. But it is way more energy dense...
I don't consider nuclear to be green. Considering know one knows what to do with the waste....
Same as lithium batteries...