Horizontal Ascents...

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AaronBBrown once bubbled...
I was just harping on Spectre 'cuz he wears lobsters on his head :)

Since Trey Pug covered the 'top and bottom of lung volume', I'll leave that be.

However I do sense the stinging sensation of jealousy in the above statement!
Rick Murchison once bubbled...
I watched the tape.

These guys are an accident waiting for a place to happen.
Did you happen to catch the other video of him scootering inside the Britannic and 400fsw.

Like I said... these guys were totally aware of what was going on around them... and if there had been any traffic they would have domonstrated the way to watch for and avoid it... but then this video was not about that... it was a very short clip (that still takes too long for dial-ups to download) demonstrating horizontal ascents while dumping air from the suit, inflator and rear dump.

You just got a bug bittin' yer butt and need to carp at something or somebody.

These guys are not the ones for you to be calling an accident waiting to happen Rick. Make your own public service video, put it up on a website and we'll critique you.
Spectre once bubbled...

However I do sense the stinging sensation of jealousy in the above statement!

Only jealous that you got to take the sucker home and eat him...

Next season I'll have the license...I will...and I'll be very very happy. I'm already practicing grabbing them. I just don't take them, yet :)
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
These guys are not the ones for you to be calling an accident waiting to happen Rick.
Who they are and what else they have done is irrelevant to the issue. The video is presented as a proper way to ascend, and in this video they are not demonstrating good technique.
O-ring once bubbled...
So go vertical once you finish your last stop (10' or 15' depending). Then look up, reach up, and come up...
First thing a boat is gonna hit is your head or hand... not your tank.

But I know that you guys have probably perfected a method of fending off a propeller with your hands... right?

Or do you see the boat coming and determine its course and speed and with your super psychic abilities *know* that it will remain on course.... and with a few flips of your splits zip outta the way just in time.... :D

O-ring you crack me up!
Ascending: vertical, horizonal or some hybrid mix of the two.

The important point is:

Be Aware-
of where you are,
of what you are doing,
and where you're going.

And I'll go ahead and add:

of where your buddy is,
of what he is doing,
and where he's going.

Put it out here on the table:

HOW does ascending vertically in boat infested waters make any difference in the out come at all?

Assertions that it is the only safe way to do it aside... let's get some factual examples on here.

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