I haven't forgotten, or stopped this project... Just went through a spell of getting my butt kicked by it! For a 3d printing hobbiest, this is what sadness looks like;
That was 4.5 hours unto a 5 hour print... And it was followed by another print fail 4 hours in due to a communication dropout (I should have printed from the sd card instead over over usb).
However, I seem to have it solved... 1 set of wagon flanges to print, then I send one out to @Frogkicker , my test dummy... I mean beta tester for the version done to take VDH wagon wheels.
Hopefully I'll be wrapping it up after work tonight.
Thanks, all, for the insight, advice, and encouragement.
That was 4.5 hours unto a 5 hour print... And it was followed by another print fail 4 hours in due to a communication dropout (I should have printed from the sd card instead over over usb).
However, I seem to have it solved... 1 set of wagon flanges to print, then I send one out to @Frogkicker , my test dummy... I mean beta tester for the version done to take VDH wagon wheels.
Hopefully I'll be wrapping it up after work tonight.
Thanks, all, for the insight, advice, and encouragement.