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Just a note to all our Florida pals,Hope all is well-And this A.M. We have sent over 120 Wisconsin Electric Linemen&Gals to help get power back on in the hit areas!
God Bless!
2 million+ with out power. i hope that are ready to hump azz in the florida heat. it is 90 to 100 deg here and little to know air movement in some areas. i am use to florida sence i am a native and i still hace a hard time in the heat. hope that are ready to drink a lot of water and sweet.

thanks for the suport
You beat me to this thread. I hope everyone, especially all of our SB friends, are all fine, and that they didn't loose to much of thier property. I am on the West coast, and the reports here, is that it's pretty bad in alot of places. My condolences to all of those that lost loved ones. I never understood why they allow mobile homes to be installed in a place where hurricanes frequent. It just is a receipe for disaster .
God speed.
I hope you are all ok out there. It looks like Charlie hit pretty hard at cat 4. You still have a roof Andy?
just heard that they found 30 bodys in a trailer park in punta gorda

suorce is channel 10 in miami

so sad. a lot of people are not taking huricanes for the beast that they are and they think that they can weather the storm in a trailer or older house that is not built to todays code and thay die. not a good thing but i guess it is human nature.
I am in Orlando and while the damage isn't as bad as it is down south west, its pretty bad.... Most of us are without power (I'm at Starbucks... they said on the radio they would restore power to crucial services first... guess Starbucks is crucial... lol) There are a ton of trees down and obviously powerlines... Lots of holes in roofs etc. Its pretty bad, but I haven't heard of any fatalities in the area other than the car wreck on the expressway....
We only got a little wind and rain. I had to work "storm relief" on the road. I did speak to Colon. They were all fine.
I am in Brandon
when the storm was in Cuba,the line went right over my
I thought I would be OK because those storms never follow the line
I didnt even get rain hitting my windows
Lost power for about 10 seconds
and all is well

Dive Safe

mark s
Its been said................. But hope everybodys OK :wink:
Our power went off at 9:14PM Friday and is still off. While houses only 1/2 a street away were restored last night. We lost a fence, three trees, one is a (or was) a towering southern pine but the top snapped off and is hanging down over a corner of my house, so it is going to have to go. Many houses in my area were smashed by big trees. I'd post pictures but someone stole my camera a few weeks ago. Anyway, my office has power so I'm posting from there. If you have a truck, a chainsaw and want to work, a person could really make some money here.
I'd rather be diving, but there is a lot of cleanup to do today!


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