Honduras, Utila, and Hepatitis A

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Before you decide against a Hep A jab ask someone who's had it. I'm not sure what you mean when you say it's not chronic - it has lifetime effects and weakens your entire system. After I had Hep A I became diabetic as (it's believed) a direct consequence. I was in a hospital isolation ward for 5 weeks and off work for 3 months, and I felt absolutely dreadful. For the rest of my life I will have alcohol intolerance - I don't get drunk, just sick. You do NOT want to catch it. Why would you not want to have the immunisation - the cost?

Don't forget that locals and frequent visitors develop a degree of natural immunisation that you as a first timer probably won't have. In other words, the fact that others may not catch something doesn't mean that you won't.

I never thought to mention tetanus as in Britain that's a given. But above all else, make sure you're up to date with that. You're unlikely to be exposed to malarial mosquitos so that isn't a great risk, but do make sure you take the medication for the correct periods before and after your trip. And remember that like many immunisations chloroquine only gives partial protection anyway - the only way to sure of not catching malaria is not to be bitten.

If in any doubt have a look at the WHO website. I'm not a doctor, but I have done quite a lot of travelling and have caught more than my fair share of tropical diseases.

And after all this, enjoy your trip!!
Hi Protech- I'm reading your post and I'm glad I did. The reason I didn't do Hep A is that the first doctor didn't think I needed it when I originally went three weeks ago. Then, I did some reading and took the advice of the folks on the Boards and went to a different internist yesterday. Got my teanus but he advised I was too late for Hep A to do anything which is perhaps why he downplayed the whole Hep A outlook. He told me a lot of folks get it and attribute to traveler's diarreah and never even know they had it.
I asked about an immune globulin shot which I also read on the CDC website will work for a short trip when you don't have four weeks for the real vacine to take effect.. His response was to get that shot if I do come down with it.
In short, I think after reading your post, I'll make an appointment for AFTER this trip to get the Hep series now in preparation for the next trip. I certainly don't want to go through what you've been through. I have picked up every DEET concentration I can find and I can't believe the chloroquine will only partially protect. That's not very comforting.............
This trip I will just take the proper precautions and hope for the best. Thanks for sharing your experience, I'm so sorry you had to learn the hard way and appreciate you're posting to help others like myself.
And PS- you don't HAVE to be a doctor........I find I'm getting better advice on the boards than I did in two medical offices. I've got to find myself a diving, traveling doctor quick!
Just picked up a pair of Doc's Proplugs today. Anyone have any experience with these good or bad? I have em, just don't know whether or not to use em'.
Let me know if you've heard anything.

I have ear problems in cold water and my Dr. recommended Proplugs. I use them all the time now. They work great for me! Happy Diving!!!
Peter is at Protech, a fine dive operation in Belize, so he is front line info. Good resource, but then - you know, caca happens sometimes regardless. I stay up on my Hep A, Hep B, Tetanus, Pneumonia and take the once a week malaria prophylactic because they're good general ideas but most folks who travel to the tourist supported areas of Roatan & Utila don't bother, and the risk is really kinda' small.

Susan, I'd suggest that you've prepared well, now - go, have fun, wear your seat belts (much more important safety advisement), call DAN if you have a problem (I got stranded there Sept 11, 01 and called even then) and prepare better next time.

Just picked up a pair of Doc's Proplugs today. Anyone have any experience with these good or bad? I have em, just don't know whether or not to use em'.
Let me know if you've heard anything.

I have ear problems in cold water and my Dr. recommended Proplugs. I use them all the time now. They work great for me! Happy Diving!!!
We're you looking for the ear plug here? here it is
Hi Susan. As an FYI, Hep B is contracted through blood-bourne contact (mostly in the healthcare industry obviously), through use of needles for IV drug use, and via unprotected sexual intercourse. So, I'd be less worried about that on a given trip to a developing country if you're not planning on being involved in any of those activities. Hep A, on the other hand (there are also Hep C and E - but there's no vaccine for these, Hep C is transmitted mostly among injection drug users and E you can get from food or water contaminated with fecal material), is a nasty little bugger. Even though it takes about four weeks for ~94% of the population to immunoconvert, you may be different and your immunoresponse will be better than that of a person who didn't get the vaccine even if it's been less than 2weeks. Here's the link from the CDC with more information: http://www2.ncid.cdc.gov/travel/yb/utils/ybGet.asp?section=dis&obj=hav.htm&cssNav=browseoyb (search for the section called vaccine and immune globin).

Have a great trip! My boyfriend and I will be in Utila March 4-14th, so perhaps we'll run into you if you're planning a long vacation! Best of luck.
Thanks for the heads up stifffany. I wish my vacation was long enough to run into you but we've only got a week. I'll make sure to post when we get back and let you know if we got lucky enough to meet a whale shark!
Susan - read up a bit on malaria on the web. You'll find that not only does chloroquine not give total protection, but the little bugs (!) are evolving and growing resistance to whatever we take against them. There are now some strains that there's no protection against. No wonder it's one of the world's biggest killers. Almost needless to say, I've also had malaria! That I got in the early 70s on an 18 month trip in central Africa, probably in Zaire. I was lucky to survive that. Another disease you DON'T want!!
Thanks for the heads up stifffany. I wish my vacation was long enough to run into you but we've only got a week. I'll make sure to post when we get back and let you know if we got lucky enough to meet a whale shark!

You're gonna see a whale shark...I just know it!!!!!


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