This stuff really frosts me. I don't know why. Maybe its remembering a friend whose family bought a home in one of these ghettos that found out after they moved in that the HOA was requiring them to put in an underground lawn sprinkler system that the previous owner did not have to do. THey were there before the HOA buttwipes came into existence. Something like 10,000 dollars, and then they had to use one certain lawn cutting service that kept all the lawns at the same height. Lazy yuppie bastards too busy snorting coke and screwing each others wives to cut their own grass. These places truly are ghettos and projects. If youy cannot do as you wish with your home you live in a project. If all the people are of the same socio-economic level and have this idea that everyone should look the same and you are not allowed to make improvements without HOA ( horde of assholes) approval it is a ghetto. I've heard of ones that objected to someone flying too big of an american flag in their yard. THose are the ones that need to have someone buy a place then move a large family of immigrants in. Ones that keep chickens, goats, and sacrifice to some pagan god every other sunday. You also need to tell them to go back to the trailer parks they most likely grew up in and shut TF up.
God I hope I never live next door to you. Down the street maybe, just not next door.