I am the queen of seasick remedies. I can never tell what will or won't work. Sometimes I can get by and be fine. Then all of a sudden when least expectied wham. I do know that after several days of dives at the end of a dive trip I am very susceptable due to the water in my ears. Especially, when I am packing up my gear and have to bend over while the boat is swaying or moving off.
That being said I have never tried Powerade, but a few things that have worked well and will actually resolve the queasies for me are 1) I always start at home one week before drying out my ears with my decongestants, also opens up the eustachian tubes for better clearing 2) I start taking Bonine a week ahead, then 24 hours ahead I put on the Transderm patch, well worth the money spent on the Rx. 3) In the morning or the night before depends on if I am on a liveaboard or not I take 1/2 a phenergan tablet. Usually, with this there is no nausea whatever the seas. Now on rare occassions, I have had to take another 1/4 to 1/2 of a phenergan every six hours. Fortunately, I have tested this out and know that this amount does not make me drowsy, I do not recommend anyone using this until they know how it affects them. For me it works. If I have to take a full dose or 25mg, I do not dive. I go on to bed and sleep it off. I have done that on the return trips across the Gulfstream coming home from the Bahamas. I also, recently have used the seabands, the accupressure cheap ones. With them if combined with the applied pressure to the pulse point and a constant watch on a fixed object on the horizon it has worked miracles for me. Nausea has disappeared not to return. On one trip though I had to stay seated and keep my eyes on the condos along West Palm Beach all the way back to the dock, but I was not really feeling to bad, unless I were to stop with the pressure and shore watching.
I also have drank Ginger Ale, ate crackers, sat with my feet in the water all kinds of things. Mostly just do whatever works. I think things change and I have to keep on trying whatever to get through it. My brother does not understand why, I keep going back for more, I told him the diving makes up for all that yuk!