Hollywood June 19th?

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All us single girls over here have similar air consumptions, just to let you know its all not me :D.

I think that you've convinced me to come down and do some air consumption research!
Ahhhhh my dear, now you understand why several of us enjoy the Venice dive as a solo.

Various Choices to Name this Dive:
1. Tarpon Convention
2. Jenny's First Solo
3. Triggerfish escort

I have no idea what happened to everybody. I was at Michigan St. at 8:50 this morning, knowing that I was early. At 10 am when nobody showed up, I decided to go ahead and dive. Since I had already decided to do a REEF ID, I reasoned I could be occupied enough not to get to paranoid. So I swam out...waves were way less than a foot, vis was awesome, dropped down somewhere east of the bouy and slightly north.
Immediately I was greeted by an ocean triggerfish. Then a tarpon passed pretty close. Cool! Started counting fish, then noticed the tarpon passed again. Finally I decided to write down everytime he passed. At one time, I looked up to see the tarpon, but it was not alone. I counted 12 tarpon, and know I missed a couple. Then I saw 4 more. All told, the lone passer made 7 passes that I am aware of.
At one time, there were 4 triggerfish and 2 grey angels escorting me. The angels are much more curious when you don't have a buddy. A couple fairly large French Angels came right up to me.
The path of the dive was along the relief south, then back north, out on the rocks to the cement way. I haven't entered the fish on the scantron yet, so I am guessing that I saw at least 20 different kinds of fish.
Very nice dive. Oh, yeah, there was one heart thumping moment, and buddy or not, it still would of been a heart thumper. I was over the cement portion when I noticed that all the fish quickly became erratic and were swimming in all directions. A quick glance up, and I saw 3 very fast moving game fish. I have no idea what kind of fish they were other than big and silvery, about as long as the tarpon, but not as slender.
Very good dive. Bottom time was 119min. and came in with just under a 1000psi. Nice dive. Would do it again.

So how did the folks I was susposed to meet make out? I see Trish's post, oh well, maybe next time. Did anybody else get to dive???
Scuba Jenny,
What is the depth there?
If you are going to dive there the weekend after the VB dive I'd like to join you.

Can you give me some names of good but cheap motels there?
And of course I would need directions.

Is Scuba Jenny always so humorous?
If so, I'm terribly upset that she didn't have even ONE dive buddy!!!!!!!!!!! Who would have thought after all the divers vowing, "i'm gonna be there"... and to miss all her charm! Sheeesh!

Hey, Scuba Jenny... me tinks we will get along just fine!
Sorry I missed you Saturday. My work schedule is erratic ... I keep thinking I will find some other Realtor that can dive with me at wierd days and times!!!

I dove with Margie from e-divers at Blue Heron Bridge Sunday morning. Very interesting shallow dive. So sad to see a large grey Angelfish with a long silver colored cylinder (a fishing weight?) piercing and demolishing the angelfish tall "dorsal" fin. (Is that what you call that tall thing on top of the fish?). Margie tried to remove it... but the Angelfish took off.... I'm amazed it could swim at all. So very sad. Our world is harsh.

And then dealt with divus interuptus (=work)

Ciao for now,
Trish the Fish

Trish The Fish:
Ok, gang...
My diving plans were "tossed into the wind" due to last minute clients. ARRRGHHHH!!!!!
I'm going to scream if I don't get wet, soon!!!!!
Trish The Fish:
My work schedule is erratic ...

Oh, I thought you said, "erotic"...

Got my attention, anyway!

And yes, Jenny's always like this. I'm glad to see that she didn't let a little thing like no-show dive buddies (for good reasons, of course!) keep her from getting down. I've been in the same situation, and the decision to solo was the right one.

Trish, you'll have to join us one weekend soon. It's really pretty amazing diving.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
Yeah, yeah, yeah... read what you want...
I'll stick to my story that it was the green bug-eyed fish with the shark fin strapped on top that was the attention getter!
tee hee.

Yes, I look forward to diving with you and Jenny's group sometime in the very near future. Anyone up for TRYING a weekday twilight dive again????

I've never been diving solo... but might be inclined to do a shallow reef solo (weather permitting). I adamantly agree that the smaller the dive group... the better the "vis" ... and I'm REEFering to the viewing of SEA CRITTERS not what most divers think of as "vis". SHOW ME THE FISH!!!!

Oh, I thought you said, "erotic"...

Got my attention, anyway!

And yes, Jenny's always like this. I'm glad to see that she didn't let a little thing like no-show dive buddies (for good reasons, of course!) keep her from getting down. I've been in the same situation, and the decision to solo was the right one.

Trish, you'll have to join us one weekend soon. It's really pretty amazing diving.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
Ok, I give up... what the heck is a "salchichon"?
Best guess... a diving banana? a dancing banana?
????????????? HMMMMM ?????????

Oh, I thought you said, "erotic"...

Got my attention, anyway!

And yes, Jenny's always like this. I'm glad to see that she didn't let a little thing like no-show dive buddies (for good reasons, of course!) keep her from getting down. I've been in the same situation, and the decision to solo was the right one.

Trish, you'll have to join us one weekend soon. It's really pretty amazing diving.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
Rebecca-Take your time and get that ankle back to feeling better! :wink:

I am so sorry I didn't meet up with you. I had heard that the dive had been called (or at least that was my interpretation). I was so bummed I went solo free diving the first reef in LBTS. Had I known you were down in Hollywood, I would have joined you. (For whatever reason, I'll free dive solo; I just haven't tried scuba solo). Of course, I think my longest bottom time was may be a minute and a half. I can't compete with your bottom times! I'm glad that we both had fun despite being buddy-less!



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