Hollywood June 19th?

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Jenny- I know what you're saying about the house. Chris and I are planning the same thing, but don't worry Nathan, we're still planning to dive in the morning! Unless you want to bail. Let me know.

I don't want to bail! I can help carry gear. I never heard what happened to you, Rebecca. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Hollywood Beach is so nice in the morning. By night time, seems to turn into a tourist trap. I'm looking forward to it! (I even have a full tank awaiting!)

Sorry you can't make it, Jenny. Maybe next week!

I got the ok from the doctor.
Lucky you!! I'm not sure when I'll get the ok. Hopefully before the Oriskany is sunk, or mini season, whichever comes first.
Ok, just like a woman to change her mind :D Hermit Crab (as of this writing) is sleeping over at a friends house tonight...hmmmm....sounds like I can be held unaccountable just one more time :D...will know in the AM how I feel, and what the weather is like..
I'm here.... glad I found this thread.
I want to try to make this dive subject to weather & how I feel in AM, too.
Jenny, you won't have to e-mail me directly each time ... I can just check here for latest dive plans.

Ok, just like a woman to change her mind :D Hermit Crab (as of this writing) is sleeping over at a friends house tonight...hmmmm....sounds like I can be held unaccountable just one more time :D...will know in the AM how I feel, and what the weather is like..
Ok, gang...
My diving plans were "tossed into the wind" due to last minute clients. ARRRGHHHH!!!!!
I'm going to scream if I don't get wet, soon!!!!!

Trish The Fish:
I'm here.... glad I found this thread.
I want to try to make this dive subject to weather & how I feel in AM, too.
Jenny, you won't have to e-mail me directly each time ... I can just check here for latest dive plans.
Various Choices to Name this Dive:
1. Tarpon Convention
2. Jenny's First Solo
3. Triggerfish escort

I have no idea what happened to everybody. I was at Michigan St. at 8:50 this morning, knowing that I was early. At 10 am when nobody showed up, I decided to go ahead and dive. Since I had already decided to do a REEF ID, I reasoned I could be occupied enough not to get to paranoid. So I swam out...waves were way less than a foot, vis was awesome, dropped down somewhere east of the bouy and slightly north.
Immediately I was greeted by an ocean triggerfish. Then a tarpon passed pretty close. Cool! Started counting fish, then noticed the tarpon passed again. Finally I decided to write down everytime he passed. At one time, I looked up to see the tarpon, but it was not alone. I counted 12 tarpon, and know I missed a couple. Then I saw 4 more. All told, the lone passer made 7 passes that I am aware of.
At one time, there were 4 triggerfish and 2 grey angels escorting me. The angels are much more curious when you don't have a buddy. A couple fairly large French Angels came right up to me.
The path of the dive was along the relief south, then back north, out on the rocks to the cement way. I haven't entered the fish on the scantron yet, so I am guessing that I saw at least 20 different kinds of fish.
Very nice dive. Oh, yeah, there was one heart thumping moment, and buddy or not, it still would of been a heart thumper. I was over the cement portion when I noticed that all the fish quickly became erratic and were swimming in all directions. A quick glance up, and I saw 3 very fast moving game fish. I have no idea what kind of fish they were other than big and silvery, about as long as the tarpon, but not as slender.
Very good dive. Bottom time was 119min. and came in with just under a 1000psi. Nice dive. Would do it again.

So how did the folks I was susposed to meet make out? I see Trish's post, oh well, maybe next time. Did anybody else get to dive???
Welcome to the club! Amazing, isn't it? I think the appropriate sentiment is awe...
Yes, Grier it was awesome. I went really slow and methodical. Just finished the REEF ID and have 40 positive ID's. There are a couple that I am still trying to find in the book.
The fast silvery fish were a bit scary tho and would never of seen them except for all the reef fish going balistic. After a few minutes all settled down. Still a very neat dive.

The biggest disappointment is the algae on the rocks and cement. That pile used to be teaming with life, and was almost comparable in fish quantity as the jacks. No lobster, only a couple glasseye snappers, the whole north side was devoid of any fish except the damsels. Algae was flowing 4" long! YUCKY! On a possible good note, I saw a soft coral (don't know what kind), it was maybe 4ft. tall and its base was almost a foot wide. Impressive and awesome.
119 minutes - WOW. I'll need to dive doubles to keep up with you, Jenny.

Can I dive doubles with only 6 logged dives so far?

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