Passion. It's what makes a non-competitive sport so danged competitive. The industry norm is: "If I don't teach it, dive it or sell it, then it must be crap". This often gives way to the "my reg can beat up your reg" discussions that seem to denigrate into nothing but accusations and counter accusations and ultimately, your opponent's mom wears combat boots. We get it, but it does nothing to further our understanding or pleasure of diving.
While there is nothing wrong with a modicum of passion, un-bridled it can foment intolerance and ill will among under water comrades. Make no bones about it: I love my Hog Side Mount regs. I also love my Atomic Regs. I also love my TUSA, my Oceanic and even (shudder) my SP Regs. I like each reg for a different reason and while I will favor one reg over another, something new will soon replace it even though I could never bear to sell the old ones. Heck, I just rebuilt my AL Micra Seconds and Cousteau firsts a couple of weeks ago. I even found a Micra left hand reg that I am thinking of using for sidemount because the Micra is so stinking small and light. Yesterday, I dove some new Edge Regs for the first time. I got a few sets to use for teaching and frankly, I really, liked them.
But my passion is not for a single reg manufacturer or any piece of equipment: it's for diving. Equipment is great, but all too often people throw gear at a training issue. I don't really care what's in your mouth or on your back, I want to see what you do with it. How's your trim, buoyancy and propulsion? Have you thought things through so you don't become a liability on a trip? What other knowledge or skill are you bringing to the table? What other knowledge or skill are you trying to improve? For some, much needed tolerance is in order. Get off the merry go round I cited in my first paragraph. Just because something is popular or not popular does not impact how it will serve your purposes. Read and comprehend. Learn and grow. Live and let live. We are a community of divers. Let's at least act like we have something in common so that we can be friends and dive buddies.