The vast majority of divers have never tried to service their own equipment and have little or no idea of the "mysterious, complicated workings" of regulator innards. They rely on their LDS to take care of their gear. The LDS, for their part, find it in their own best interests to keep the customer in the dark concerning the facts of regulator design. "It's your life we're talking about. You need the best and the best costs more. You need to bring it back to us for service because it's your life we're talking about here!"
As long as the industry can keep their customers ignorant of the facts, the more money they can coerce out of them.
The truth is, regulators are extremely simple devices inside. There is no mystery about how they work, if one just takes the time to learn about them. Anyone can work on their own gear if they want to. Once you've taken a few apart and put them back together, you realize that all piston regulators work off the same principles and, inside, one looks pretty much like another. The same goes for diaphragm regs. The main differences between brands and models are on the outside, where bling is used to convince a prospective buyer to make that high dollar purchase. It doesn't make the equipment work any better, it just brings in more profits.
But, hey, ya gots pockets full of cash and like to throw it around on bling, more power to ya, pal! Me, I got other things to spend my extra cash on. Like diving.
As long as the industry can keep their customers ignorant of the facts, the more money they can coerce out of them.
The truth is, regulators are extremely simple devices inside. There is no mystery about how they work, if one just takes the time to learn about them. Anyone can work on their own gear if they want to. Once you've taken a few apart and put them back together, you realize that all piston regulators work off the same principles and, inside, one looks pretty much like another. The same goes for diaphragm regs. The main differences between brands and models are on the outside, where bling is used to convince a prospective buyer to make that high dollar purchase. It doesn't make the equipment work any better, it just brings in more profits.
But, hey, ya gots pockets full of cash and like to throw it around on bling, more power to ya, pal! Me, I got other things to spend my extra cash on. Like diving.