As promised, here is the historical data for number of days the port has been closed. Sorry, I only went back to 2010 - that's a good solid sample
So - a few things to keep in mind with this sampling:
- This includes full day closures as well as partial day closures. So divers were actually able to get out on some of these days.
- These numbers represent the total number of days the port was closed each month - these were not necessarily consecutive days. Some months there were single day closures or 2 day closures, etc.
- This sample includes port closures for the small boats (less than 30') - so it's possible that larger boats were able to get out on some of these days. I only have records for when WE were shut down from a "Norte"
- I only included months when "Nortes" can be present - so these closures only represent port closures for Nortes. Any other port closures would have been from tropical storm or hurricanes, and those are not a regular occurrence and can't really be predicted anyway.
- These numbers are based on dive logs for Blue XT~Sea Diving - I went back through the hard copies one by one, day by day, year by year. When there is a "Norte" - I note it in big red sharpie letters on the trip roster
- If it is not answered here, it's because I don't have the answer

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I hope you will find this information helpful.
See you on the boat!