We appreciate you posting a decal from the Sandwich Inland Divers !
Certainly a rare seldom seen decal from a seldom dove location.
I do have a comment-- the representation of the red & white divers flag
In late 1960 after three years of national abd international debate via SDM
The red & while divers flag proportions were established as follows
5 unit wide X 4 units high X 1 unit diagonal stripe
It is interesting that after a few years professionals as well as armatures
considers any red flag with any size white stripe as a representation of a divers flag
On September 22 1962,, which I note from your profile you would have been 20 years old
The first accident occurred involving a diver between a boat and diver disapplying the divers flag
I was called as the only "expert wittiness" to defend the use of the divers flag while engaged in diving
At litigation the dive flag proportions were establish and given validity via the California legal system
Perhaps you recall the litigation ? -- It was a well docuamted land mark case ]
that established the rights and privileges' of a diver displaying the then new flag
Cheers from CenCal and California where it all began