Hey A.J.!!!!

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A. J. Shark once bubbled...
my cousin Jon is the most important person in my life
- A J

That is very sweet. I hope you have a great Holiday.

ckharlan66 once bubbled...

I was doing that this week. I shouldn't admit this but I tried to grow a goatee this week...let's just say it didn't work out that well and is gone now. :(


Another near disaster averted! :rofL: :joke:
A. J. Shark once bubbled...
ohh no, he was talking about bleaching his hair last week!!
- A J
He's going to look like Drew Carey when he joined that motel band! With a goatee and bleached hair (was it highlights, AJ?) he's likely to get his arse kicked in KY.
I don't think so.. I think he was going to just do the front half like they did a few years ago in the summer all the guys would put sun-in in the front part of there hair and then they would have half blonde half brown hair, I think that's what he wanted to do!!
- A J
Hey.....I look good as a blonde. If I do bleach again though I will have to get my piercings done again....chicks dig it. :D

A. J. Shark once bubbled...
I don't think so.. I think he was going to just do the front half like they did a few years ago in the summer all the guys would put sun-in in the front part of there hair and then they would have half blonde half brown hair, I think that's what he wanted to do!!
- A J

No, think Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yes, I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer....what of it.

ckharlan66 once bubbled...

No, think Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yes, I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer....what of it.

Tell me you don't watch that tripe...we gotta get you normal, son! I tried to grow a goatee when I was in Italy for 3 weeks a couple years back...I looked like I had tripped and gotten some dirt on my chin. I gave up and shaved it off...
Buffy, much like saved by the bell, is a great high-school chick attraction....Chad is there something you're not telling us......you're bleaching your hair, you were trying to grow a goattie, you reminise [sp] about long lost tv shows, and your sidekick is A-J, one not of "legal" drinking age........are you sure you're not cousins from a family tree....

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