At this point, we are really just friends. But I think I like one of them more than the other. That is, if any woman that was decent looking and close to my age kissed me, I'd be fine with that. And if either of these two kissed me, I'd be fine with that. But one of them, I'd be a little more fine with that
Dinner went well, I think. I was cooking some mushrooms in some oil and the oil was spattering a little, so I went to pull the skillet off the burner some to reduce the temperature, and to move it so I could turn the knob down, and for some odd reason the entire thing caught on there is some soot and whatnot on the fan above the stove.....It stopped burning after a few seconds and I added some water to it and set the skillet down, and quickly went to turn off the air handler and opened windows and the door to get the smoke out before a fire alarm gets set off--we get fined something like $400 if one goes off....fortunately, it didn't. Unfortuantely, that made me 3 minutes late to pick up the twins. Fortunately, they had just walked out to meet me.
The food was pretty good, not perfect, but the chicken was pretty tasty with the melted cheese and mushrooms...I loved it! The noodles needed to cook for a few more minutes but they weren't bad.
The girls had to go somewhere by 8 so I only had an hour and a half with them, but it was fun and I think they liked the food. I hope they liked it, the meal cost me something like $23 all said and done....there are several places to go for a date that are cheaper than that, but it's also cheaper than a fine meal out, so hey, you do what you can. That's just, like, all of my money for spending for the week