At the risk of sounding like a pitch man for DSS, I'll tell you why I like them
At $465 for a complete rig you get a wing selection that includes more shapes and sizes than everyone else.
They are made by DSS, not outsoursed like some other companies. The inner bladder is make of a thicker material than most others.
The OPV is an improved design over the outsourced, and previously recalled OPV's on other companies wings.
Other small touches that show attention to detail not found on other wings are double zipties on each end of the inflator hose, the type with metal inserts, not the all plastic style found elsewhere.
A DSS molded rubber hat on the inflator hose connection.
The backplate is a flatter bend than some others, which I like. DSS use a unique STA-less design.
The plate and wing are quickly separated for packing. The slots have molded rubber inserts to lock the webbing in place.
The DSS belt buckle is much thicker and heavily made than the thin ones found elsewhere.
The crotch strap is made of a soft webbing, and included a DSS made tri-glide that has curved slots to prevent slipping.
They could have used a regular tri-glide like everyone else, but the time and attention to detail show me that Tobin gives a $h1T.
There are 3 of Tobins rigs in our house.
They're that good. Only $465