Help! trouble getting pics onto computer

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Richmond, tx
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200 - 499
HI, i have the Reefmaster Mini, and every time we come back from a trip, hubby (who is fairly computer savvy), has trouble getting the photos from this camera onto the computer. He managed to get them on there last summer, but that was a long time ago, so neither of us remember how he finally got it to work. Has anyone else had this trouble and can help me? (no troubles with any of our other "land" cameras ever) thanks in advance.
Without knowing more about the failure, I am guessing that you are on a Windows computer, and you usually get a pop-up with options on other cameras, but not with this one...?

Question 2: If you connect it to your computer with a cable and turn it on (double checking :wink: ), open My Computer and Refresh. Do you see the camera there? If so, open that, find your pics, copy to your hard drive.

Q#3: Do you have a card reader? Most computers have them built in these days, but I still use a portable USB reader.
I would second the recommendation for a removable USB card reader - they are pretty cheap, convenient for transporting pics and generally transfer from card to PC faster than the camera itself.

I did find the directions for transferring via camera (assuming you have a PC and not a Mac) . step 4 perhaps is the key (and not required for any camera I've ever downloaded pictures from)

Connect the digital camera to your computer

1. Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB port of the camera.
2. Connect the other end of the USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
3. Push and hold the OK button on the camera until the power turns on.
The USB screen appears on the LCD display.
4. Use the 'up' / 'down' buttons to select [PC], then press the OK button.
5. From the Windows desktop, double click on “My Computer”.
6. Look for a new “Removable disk” icon. This “Removable disk” is actually the memory card in your camera. Typically, the camera will be assigned drive letter
“e” or higher.
7. Double click on the removable disk and
locate the DCIM folder.
8. Double click on the DCIM folder to
open it to find more folders.

  • Your recorded images and video clips will be inside these folders.

  • Copy & Paste or Drag-N-Drop image and video files to a folder on your computer.
Copied and pasted from the Sealife Reefmaster manual located here:
My new laptop has a built in SD card reader. I also bought a Dynex card reader and travel with it. It was inexpensive ($15 or so at Best Buy), and has certainly saved my sanity more than once.
Sometimes, if you are having trouble reading the card, check your BIOS (most likely press the "DEL" key on boot up) and if the legacy USB option is enabled, disable it.

Your card reader is not a legacy USB device - this option is mostly for folks still running MS DOS as the operating system.

PS: I know this from experience, once while in BIOS enabled that option.

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