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does anybody know any information on how to naked dive or know any good sites that can help?
Hi lilfret,
There are multiple centers that offer that all over the world.
What you need to search for in the Internet Explorer is "Nude Diving" and you will get a list of the ones you need.
Join Bare Necessities cruises, for clothing optional cruises, then join us for some buff dives and snorkels on the excursions.
and the beat goes on....
welcome to ScubaBoard scoutniagara
why is it that most people who insist on going naked are the last
people you really want to see naked?


one of those imponderables, i guess
blatant self-agrandizing...

i detect a hint of insecurity, huh?

why is it that most people who insist on going naked are the last
people you really want to see naked?


one of those imponderables, i guess

They are probably the same folks wearing lycra or spandex at the gym.
Until they remove all the fish that nip and nibble, there is no way I would dive in the state of being apparel challenged...that would be Bobbitt Diving.

Besides, such an activity in cold water would be contraindicated for guys....I mean, do you think women would be so open to skinny dipping if it caused them to go from a C to a AA? Of course we're talking shoe size now......

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