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omg this thread was tooooo funny.......
btw it is not advised to do it under water due to ummm bacteria in a not so good area for the women..........
now, here we stray into somewhat uncharted waters

i don't think there's a difference if a woman wears a wetsuit or goes skinny
dipping.. basically, she gets wet all over

i thought the problem was intercourse underwater, which may "pump"
water into areas that don't normally get wet by bathing? in which
case, yeah, you could get some infections going

anyway.. that was my understanding
lol thanks!

check out my theme song:

I was sent from pranet Xiron to conquer the Earf
I had a twiffic pran - I thought it would work
I tried to get the Earfrings all to kill each other, y'see
But it all went wrong and now I must decree
You are worthress Arec Bardwin
You are worthress Arec Bardwin
oh! this thread is still alive! :laughing:
it's people like you that make that happen :D
omg this thread was tooooo funny.......
btw it is not advised to do it under water due to ummm bacteria in a not so good area for the women..........
good advice indeed.

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