Help!!! my daughter has lost her mind!

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Of all the things I've lost in my life, I miss my mind the most ;P !!!!!!!.......Unless it would interfere w/my diving :) !!!!!!
I'm with tom. This smells post smells bad from the get go.

First thing I thought of when I read the OP. First post, doesn't make sense, and the ID is "rfmad" as in "real f***ing mad?" This is obviously a troll.
My 21 year old daughter who has a paid for PHD education at Alabama lined up wants to chunk it all out the window to go marry her boyfriend and move to Puerto Rico and start a diving business together.

Never mind he has no degree and hasn't even the nerve to ask for her hand. They haven't even lived in same country for over a year. She has this wonderful romantic idea of getting married at 21 and living on the beach and chasing pretty fish all day while making $72k a year between them. They have no money to start out with and OH yeah I forgot she has never ever even been diving in her life.

I would appreciate some real world expectations of what running a diving business entails (all the details and work that it takes to run a successful diving business) the nitty gritty behind the scenes boring work that it takes to be successful etc.

Also any feedback and raising family in Puerto Rico would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

An upset dad

Well, if you have to ask for help in how to influence your daughter's decisions, I think the answer is that it's too late.

But maybe you can salvage their financial future by getting them to change their minds on a dive business and opening a snorkeling operation. Catering to snorkeling is where the money is.
you guys caught me, I created a sockpuppet because it got boring trying to entice you into silly banter as my normal name.

NOTE: The above is a joke Sock puppets are against the TOS and I would NEVER break the TOS. . .
Ok..if this is a serious thread..just wondering what century the OP is living in....ask for her hand? 21 needing permission from daddy??? A PHD is not going to make anyone more employable in any field other than pure research which tends not to pay that well. If this is a serious thread......shes 21 not actually do not own your children.
you guys caught me, I created a sockpuppet because it got boring trying to entice you into silly banter as my normal name.

NOTE: The above is a joke Sock puppets are against the TOS and I would NEVER break the TOS. . .

Everyone who knows you knew you were kidding. The ToS are like the Torah to you. Breaking them would be unimaginable.
My 21 year old daughter who has a paid for PHD education at Alabama lined up wants to chunk it all out the window to go marry her boyfriend and move to Puerto Rico and start a diving business together.

Never mind he has no degree and hasn't even the nerve to ask for her hand. They haven't even lived in same country for over a year. She has this wonderful romantic idea of getting married at 21 and living on the beach and chasing pretty fish all day while making $72k a year between them. They have no money to start out with and OH yeah I forgot she has never ever even been diving in her life.

I would appreciate some real world expectations of what running a diving business entails (all the details and work that it takes to run a successful diving business) the nitty gritty behind the scenes boring work that it takes to be successful etc.

Also any feedback and raising family in Puerto Rico would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

An upset dad

I don't know how I would respond in your position, but if she's 21 and already has a masters degree, which I assume she does if she's started her Phd, then, frankly, what's your problem?

First of all, money isn't everything

Secondly. money doesn't make a person happy. In fact, money is pretty much the LAST thing that will make a person happy.

and third, at 21 if she *wasn't* a little wild, I'd worry more about her! A 21 year old who doesn't chase rainbows, have idealistic dreams and who doesn't want to just live life and tell Dad to shut up because YOLO.... is bound to become boring and end up in a dead-end job, lacking vision and passion.

You can have every degree in the book but papers only create an open door. If young people don't develop their character then they will hesitate and open doors will be entered by those who dare. Nobody can really amount to much in this life if they have never dared to take a step off the deep end.

Love her, kiss her on the forehead, wish her luck. If it doesn't work out and she doesn't somehow become incapacitated, she can go to school later. OR you can fight like cats and dogs and make her hate you. She's 21, not 11.
Exactly. As a father of four girls I celebrate her zest for life and willingness to go to PR and start a dive business. What a great time in life to take such a flightly risk. Sounds like a great soul. Celebrate her stop putting her in some pigeon hole for you own desires and needs.
What a great time in life to take such a flightly risk.

It may be less great if she goes off on this likely ill-fated venture, the stresses and disappointments undermine the marriage, and the marriage falls apart but by then she's produced a child (perhaps a couple?) by this guy. Custody battles, visitation, concerns over the ex.'s significant others impact on the child, etc...

If their business goes bankrupt, wonder what effect that'll have on her over time?

But to me, the biggest victim here may be the child that could come out of it.

If they do go on this venture, it would be fascinating to get an update from the OP in 5 years.

I would just like to point out that the OP only posted to start the thread and in the many weeks of intervening time has not participated in ScubaBoard in any other way. Anyone posting to this thread any more is probably wasting time.

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