I know exactly where you are coming from and you are not being selfish to need a little you time. If you don't take a break from being a mom and a wife, you lose yourself and become empty trying to be only what others expect of you. If you lose yourself, you will not be successful as a wife or mother, because you will be too miserable to enjoy being either. If you feel like shatting, feel free to PM me.
divingirl::06: OK, I hope I don't regret this but I am just a little frustrated. If I am just crazy tell me, but am I the only one who feels like they are the hired help? Every day I get crap about how the house isn't clean enough. It doesn't look like the Cleavers across the street. My hubby thinks I sit around and eat bon bons all day or something. I feel like I am running myself ragged trying to keep up with everything. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to keep up with all those supermoms out there. You know the type...perfect hair and makeup, skinny as a rail and perfectly behaved children, their houses and cars look unlived in. Like something out of a magizine or off of TV. Oh, and if I ever take time for myself, away from the kid and the housework and go diving..."I'm neglecting our son and choosing diving over our family. My place is to stay home." But golfing and hunting trips are ok for him. Who by the way is only home for a couple of hours anyway, between his eat, sleep and work schedualing.
I don't know am I just being selfish...I tried some of those mommy boards but they are all those mommies that stay up til midnight handpainting their kids homework and can't wait to scrub out the oven. Have you ever noticed they even dress like there kids? I'm hoping to find a few down to earth moms that might understand where I'm coming from. Should I be greatful and continue to stay home or what?...