Be sure you check all the fine print and ask the right questions. We have a friend who asked if his camera would be covered for flooding. His agent for his homeowners policy said "of, course it would." So my friend added his camera gear to his home policy.
Sure enough, on his first trip his housing flooded. When he got home and sent in his claim, the insurance company just laughed at him. Their comment was...."You mean you intentionally took your camera underwater? That voids your coverage." Seems the flood coverage they meant was flooding of the house. He also found out the only theft coverage he would have is if it was stolen from his houose or car.
So before you add it to your homeowners policy, make sure you and the agent are talking about the same things!
Sure enough, on his first trip his housing flooded. When he got home and sent in his claim, the insurance company just laughed at him. Their comment was...."You mean you intentionally took your camera underwater? That voids your coverage." Seems the flood coverage they meant was flooding of the house. He also found out the only theft coverage he would have is if it was stolen from his houose or car.
So before you add it to your homeowners policy, make sure you and the agent are talking about the same things!