HELP... I would like to get an underwater camers...

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I have been doing some looking on this board for information regarding underwater cameras. Like most, I would like to get a good camera to take basic pictures without spending a ton of money. Can anyone give me their opinions regarding the Sealife Reefmaster RC, CL and Sport Diver models? Leisure Pro has them for a rather good price... 116, 89 and 82 respectively. I also found that Olympus makes a new housing for my C-50 Zoom (PT-014), but it costs $260 and I am not sure if I want to spend that much, let along take my nice digital down below??? My last and final question regards the use of those cheaper underwater disposables like the Suprema model, which is rated to 100 ft. Any help or direction would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

I think you would probably be more satisfied in the long run with going digital for underwater shots. Your C-50 is a 5 MP, which is awesome for taking good photos. I use a C-5050, which has the same resolution.

Adorama sells the PT-014 for $159.95, which is very close to the cost of a Reefmaster setup. Then you have to incorporate the cost of film! Plus you can't take as many pictures as you could with your C-50. Now, I can't say that I've ever used a C-50, but I'm willing to bet you'll get better quality than you will get with a Reefmaster.

Check out my photos (see my signature line). They were all taken with a C-5050 and no external strobe. Minor adjustments were made in Photoshop (you can do the same with Elements), and I think most turned out ok. Eventually you'll want a strobe, as I do right now :wink:, but I've been told it's best to get used to the camera without a strobe first. Ultimately a strobe will make your photos look nicer, but you can still take good pics without one.

Now, I'm no expert, but I'm willing to bet you'll get the same recommendation from other folks that have made the digital cross-over.

Good luck!
I totally agree with Dr. Jay.

Like you I have an interest in U/W photography. I've taken a few snap shots with one of those disposable U/W 35 mm cameras. I guess they turned out alright considering my equipment and experience. With that in mind, I decided that getting instant feed back from a digital as far as the quality of the picture you just took to be very appealling.

I've also found several bits of advice concerning U/W digital cameras vs. getting a housing for a normal digital. Basically all bits of advice stated manufacturers of U/W digital cameras have to split their R&D budget between designing the camera and designing the housing.

When you buy the camera and the housing separate you're probably getting an overall better product. The housing and camera manufacturers have their own R&D budget and make their respective products better than those companies making an U/W digital camera. Whether this is ultimately true, I don't know, but it seems logical.

The other thing that I found, is you seem to get less camera for you $$. From what I've seen might get an U/W digital for about $300 but it will be less than 2 megapixals. Spend a bit more on the camera and housing separate and get more for your money.

I'm sure there are more experienced people on this board that can give you some more insight to this.
I agree with Dr. Jay and Dee. Digital is the way to go. I have the Oly 2040Z in the PT-010 which is a relic now with the 5050 out there. I still like the pics mine takes. There is nothing like the feeling of taking 50+ shots on a dive and hitting "delete" on the ones you don't want, which could be all of them, sometimes. You don't need a strobe for Macro shots either. Browse around the web and look at all the digital pics out there. One site where you can enter your digital pics in a weekly contest as well as see what type cameras and housings they are using is:
When we suggest you go digital, that doesn't have to mean you buy the top of the line. If you don't need a 5MP camera, you can always start with a 3MP very cheaply. Beast has a used Oly C-3040 that takes excellent photos. I bought the camera and housing for $500 so there are deals out there. I believe you can also still buy the C-3040 brand new. My C-4040 has been discontinued.
Dr. Jay once bubbled...
I think you would probably be more satisfied in the long run with going digital for underwater shots. Your C-50 is a 5 MP, which is awesome for taking good photos. I use a C-5050, which has the same resolution.

Adorama sells the PT-014 for $159.95, which is very close to the cost of a Reefmaster setup.

Thanks for the information. That is definitely a lot cheaper price for that housing than I was able to find. I think I am leaning towards the housing for my camera if I can get it for that price. Having not used a digital underwater with a housing before, I am a lttle leary of ruining it. I would assume that people have had good luck with these housings, otherwise they wouldn't be selling them. Is this Adorama a reputable on-line dealer in photography products?

What if any maintenance is needed on those Oly housings?


Dee and gilligan, thanks for your posts. They were helpful to read. Gilligan, I see you are from Maui. My wife and I will be down there in one month. We plan on doing some diving while there. What can you tell me about the Maui Dive Shop or Lahaina Divers? I was thinking of diving at Molikini and Lanai while there.
One last question... I was reading some posts that spoke about insurance on cameras... I believe it was depp or something similar. Can anyone tell me about this? Won't regular home owner's insurance cover loss while underwater. I have my Oly C50Z scheduled so it is covered if anything happens to it.

Thanks for your help.
personally I just went to the digital side after many years on the reef-master don't get me wrong you can take some great pictures with the reef-master but remember this it will take allot of time and allot of film to get it wear you can pretty much point and shoot not to mention all the film and developing! go the digital route in long run better quality pictures and better on the wallet !!
and as far as insurance hear what I did its under my I got plenty of coverage ect .

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