Hello from San Diego newbie gearing up!

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Dive types: <100ft, open water to discover local sights and improve my skill
FWIW - Doesn't PADI recommend(require?) that you stay above 60' till you get your AOW? Not that I agree. But you did ask...
If any of this seems inappropriate, would appreciate any inputs.

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:cowboy: don
Welcome to ScubaBoard :D
FWIW - Doesn't PADI recommend(require?) that you stay above 60' till you get your AOW? Not that I agree. But you did ask...

I should have said <<<100ft. You are right. 60ft is the max I was taught in class for beginners. But I'm really suprised to see just how many people have told me that they went to greater depths within their first 5-10 dives. Even my dive instructor took me to 65 during my cert dive...I think it was a mistake!

I wonder how many folks went hit 100ft before 25 dives? Maybe a discussion for another thread.....

Thanks for all the greets! As soon as I'm geared up, I'm hitting that water all week long!

I should have said <<<100ft. You are right. 60ft is the max I was taught in class for beginners. But I'm really suprised to see just how many people have told me that they went to greater depths within their first 5-10 dives. Even my dive instructor took me to 65 during my cert dive...I think it was a mistake!

I wonder how many folks went hit 100ft before 25 dives? Maybe a discussion for another thread.....

Thanks for all the greets! As soon as I'm geared up, I'm hitting that water all week long!


Whatchout for the scuba-police, they will get you...........easily identified by those guys who dive with the long hose, and all dressed in black.

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