Helium prices ...

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I just paid 1.50 ft3 today(CAD) for 3 T bottles of UHP 5.0

still sourcing out other suppliers but shops are in the $3 range I think.

starting trimix fairly soon but wanted to get on the pre-existing customer list as it’s starting to become quite difficult to find here. Although this supplier seemed to say they could get UHP with a couple days notice, so that’s promising
For anyone living in the north-west of England, I have a J cylinder of helium and a J cylinder of oxygen I want to dispose of. FOR FREE...!!!

The cylinders are well out of test now but nothing wrong with the gas inside. Well worth having for a technical diver with a garage to store them in. I sold my house and moved away from the UK. The current owner wants to get them out of the garage, understandably.

If you can come and take them away then you can have them. The first one to send me a PM... They are yours.
I think deep air will become popular or more popular again in the max 60 or 65m region. Then you can do reasonable bottomtimes and a ccr will stay expensive. Divers who go deeper will considering buying a ccr.
I think deep air will become popular or more popular again in the max 60 or 65m region. Then you can do reasonable bottomtimes and a ccr will stay expensive. Divers who go deeper will considering buying a ccr.

I don’t know....Dr. Mitchell is a pretty convincing angel on the one shoulder versus the deep air devil on the other.

I think I’ll stick to 50m max depth with 55m as a contingency depth. No more 60m strolls on air for me. And maybe I’m a pansy but hitting 65m on air has never even been a fleeting thought.

Provided I pass my skills and drills assessment with my instructor, I’m in a Trimix course next month so I can take pleasant strolls with peace of mind along my favorite deep walls.
I don’t know....Dr. Mitchell is a pretty convincing angel on the one shoulder versus the deep air devil on the other.

I think I’ll stick to 50m max depth with 55m as a contingency depth. No more 60m strolls on air for me. And maybe I’m a pansy but hitting 65m on air has never even been a fleeting thought.

Provided I pass my skills and drills assessment with my instructor, I’m in a Trimix course next month so I can take pleasant strolls with peace of mind along my favorite deep walls.
I don't write I agree, but I think this is what will happen. I am not directly against 'deep' air, as it is a complete waiste of helium if you take it at 30.2m depth and for sure the 35% is way too much. But between 65m and 30m is a big grey or red zone were a lot of divers seem to dive on air without big problems, or they think that air can be used. A lot will know the difference that helium makes the dive better or easier, but I think that with the helium prices divers also wil think about deep air again, or think that a heliumcourse is not the way to do. And the others will move towards ccr.
At the moment I don't see less divers taking a normoxic trimix course on oc. But I see people thinking about staying diving on air till 50 or 55m because of the helium prices. And from there it is not that hard to go a little bit deeper towards 60 or 65m. I mentioned the 65m as that is a depth of a divecenter I visited offers deep air dives. And they have a really low accidentrate. But I know from divers who already are sooo narced at 45m that they cannot function anymore. And others can dive deeper without (visable ) problems. I don't teach such deep air as you are responsible. I only hope that people know their personal limits and respect divers that have other personal limits. The biggest problem to be afraid of are daredevils that normally would take some helium,but now think they can do 60, 70m, or more on air as people did it in the past and survived. And this stadium we had passed because trimix was available. If people complaign about price of helium, I say: think what you want, deep and safe, or deep and not allways the best gas? Maybe a rebreather is also a solution. But there will be divers that want to do cheap technical diving. But remember: There is not cheap technical diving.
And I think even if you want to dive till 'only' 50 or 55m, it is not a bad idea to try at least 1-2 dives with trimix with an instructor to learn the difference and to feel, experience it. costs some money, but then you know the difference and then you can judge fair about the need of going deep because you want to visit wreck X and the price.
It sounded cheaper when you're talking "pence"....

My original response edited to maintain membership on Scubaboard.
I don’t know....Dr. Mitchell is a pretty convincing angel on the one shoulder versus the deep air devil on the other.

I think I’ll stick to 50m max depth with 55m as a contingency depth. No more 60m strolls on air for me. And maybe I’m a pansy but hitting 65m on air has never even been a fleeting thought.

Provided I pass my skills and drills assessment with my instructor, I’m in a Trimix course next month so I can take pleasant strolls with peace of mind along my favorite deep walls.
I had a dive at 42m and I was pretty narced. Do you feel safe at 55m on air ? I have never been to this kind of depths so I am just curious.
I think deep air will become popular or more popular again in the max 60 or 65m region. Then you can do reasonable bottomtimes and a ccr will stay expensive. Divers who go deeper will considering buying a ccr.
And there's that silly thing about remembering the dive.

I think we will be raising another generation of divers that dive deep air that can't remember half of the details about the dive and when He prices come back down everyone will be like "wow didn't realize how much of the dive I forgot".

And the old timers will roll their eyes...
I had a dive at 42m and I was pretty narced. Do you feel safe at 55m on air ? I have never been to this kind of depths so I am just curious.

Everybody is different. The same person is different on different days.

I have done dives to anywhere from 46 to 55 meters on air and been able to review the dive with my buddies afterwards and remember all the details of the whole dive.

On the other hand, I did a dive to 59m a few years ago and had 16% helium in my mix and I was narced out of my gourd. Well, I mean, I could not do simple addition of 2 numbers. I realized I was badly narced right away, ascended to 50m immediately, and then I could do the math I needed to without any real difficulty.

I think there is no scientific data to support this, but my gut feeling is that, over time, you don't develop a "resistance" to narcosis, but you can get better at functioning at a near-normal level, as you get more experienced with narcosis.

In other words, whatever signs or symptoms you have noticed in yourself that caused you to conclude you were "pretty narced" at 42m are things that, if you keep diving at or near that depth range, with no helium, over time you might eventually notice that those same signs or symptoms are consistently lessened.

But, that is just an unsupported-by-any-science-that-I-know-of feeling that I have.

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